Recent content by bodombeachterror

  1. bodombeachterror

    COB to tour North America with Amon Amarth

    it was the fucking best show of my life(and the first time a could come to their show) i was on the corner front right after the speaker! so the sound kicked ass! HATE CREW, YOU ROCK!
  2. bodombeachterror

    vous êtes une bande de fous.

    haha moi j'va o show ! PI sti kc lfun de trouver un sujet quebecois sur un site de cob lol!
  3. bodombeachterror

    Why do Finnish ppl need to learn Swedish?

    here in canada there is like 7 million of people that speak french(i'm one of them) and we are obliged to learn english.. but the english people from canada are not oblige to learn french...I really find that it suck. They don't give a fuck about us..and that's a part of why we wan't to leave...
  4. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    thank you all =)
  5. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    i just want to know how to write it in finnish to put it in my nickname on msn so please anyone can traduce this?(my message is like 3 post before) thank you
  6. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    can anyone traduce this in finnish?: ''i'm a viking coming from the northern country to discover this world of misery''
  7. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    does anyone want to do an exchange ''canada finland'' with me because i want to ge in finland and i think that it's the best way to if anyone is interest, tell me kiitos
  8. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    ok but why there is two word for ''how''? is there some time that we use miten and other time we use kuinka?
  9. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    what is the difference between kuinka and miten?
  10. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    can anyone traduce this in finnish '''viking power'''
  11. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    can anyone traduce this in finnish please: allegiance to the bodom nation
  12. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    we have the same deer problem here(quebec canada)
  13. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    what does it mean???
  14. bodombeachterror

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    i think that finnish language is complicated like french...i'm from canada and i speak french and the people who try to learn this find this very difficult because of all the plurial (our fucking verb) and the ''feminin masculin''... like a chair is feminin and a dictionary is masculin (we say...
  15. bodombeachterror

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHHI My name is alexandre and i'm a cob fann!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT'S BEST BAND EVER lol i'm from canada(the french part) and i dont speak english very well so try to pardon my ''good english'' i play electric guitar specially cob song and emmm love to do stupid think hohohoho that's it