Recent content by bogness

  1. B

    As Promised - Ball Clap Samples

    I can't help but grasp my own balls while I listen to the testicular destruction. It's like watching another guy take a kick to the nads. You feel his pain out of empathy, then proceed to clasp your own out of a false sense of security :Puke: No amount of ball clapping is safe for any man :erk:
  2. B

    Have you ever fucked with someones mix?

    You're no different from people who don't wash their hands before preparing food for others. :Puke: Congratulations, you just slipped your own knob into your poop-chute, and loved telling the internets about how awesome it was.
  3. B

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Picked up a few essentials in the last 6 months. KRK Rokit 5's (Gen 2). SM M-patch volume knobbery. Bugera 6260. Mesa Boogie Dual Rec. Om nom nom nom. Blackstar Artisan 2x12 Cab Countryman DI Type85 Ibanez TS7 modded to 808 spec, did it myself. Maudio...
  4. B


    Try both. And they're very good, clarity wise! And yes, I've got about 4 minutes worth of Moonlapse Vertigo video. Muha. Props to Moonlapse for indiscretely alerting security that I was recording :rolleyes: (It was actually some fucking dog ugly bitch :Puke: )