Recent content by br00tal_jEff

  1. B


    is this an all ages show? if so, i'm definitely in
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    a question about the song ":demon of the fall"

    they first thing that came to my mind when i saw the song title was The Fall as in the fall of Man (ie. Adam and Eve with Satan etc.), but then i remembered Opeth isn't religious at all pretty much. I also then looked at the lyrics, and it doesn't fit P.S. imagine the chorus part with Demon of...
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    Fifth to Infinity, Lopez's new band?

    hot damn, this could turn out to pretty intensely awesome. but then again, in reality, it could totally suck, there's been plenty of work by great people that wasn't too hot. i'm still psyched, though, Lopez is a frickin beast
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    Mikael's live quotes

    in chicago back in september 08. i don't remember the song he was introducing "this song is tight like my pants.... good thing i have a tiny penis"
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    Whoah! Mike's real first name is...

    hmmm, he doesn't look like a Lars, Mikael fits him better in my opinion i'm pretty sure in his autobiography he says his real name is Legolas
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    i don't know what you're talking about, i have a time machine
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    Who are you?

    hey, i'm Dave (not Jeff, contrary to popular belief haha). i feel so young here, i'm only 16 :kickass: i'm from Chicago, Illinois in the US of A
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    damn, i'll be gone on the first Illinois date and the second show is my good friend's birthday, so I probably can't ditch him on that haha. Care to stay for a third? hahaha. by the way, I saw someone mentioned the Pearl Room, that is a pretty good venue to play if you guys get the chance. I know...
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    Novembre already working in a new album for 2009!!

    nice, good stuff. i also hope a US tour is in the works. that would be really awesome
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    New Mikael's blog post

    well, i don't know if we're the smartest hahaha (i hope that part was sarcastic), but we do tend to have wide tastes (or at least say we do, going back to the annoying, pretentious fans)
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    New Mikael's blog post

    is Dream Theater not progressive? often hailed as the "godfathers of progressive metal" i actually said Dream Theater is not intellectual. intellectual means that it incites deep use of the brain, which Opeth's music does. Mikael's lyrics and melodies make me think; when i listen to their stuff...
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    New Mikael's blog post

    intellectual as in its deep, complex, and lyrical. it has nothing to do with the quality of the music per se, take Dream Theater for example, yeah i think they sound good and they're pretty technical, but i wouldn't call them intellectual in the same way i referred to Opeth, or at all, really.
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    New Mikael's blog post

    i swear, if its Metallica, i might disown Opeth, and that'd be really hard for me to do. i don't have any more respect for Metallica plus they sound like shit nowadays, they've got no groove (as in with eachother, not necessarily literal groove) or energy, its all processed pieced together...
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    Dave Isberg.......

    wow, I know I'm not the first to say this, but this is one damn interesting thread. I'm glad I just wasted my time haha. anyways, David, you should throw those tapes up on Youtube or something, that'd be a really cool thing to hear. Plus, if you, Mikael, or Anders has any old concert footage...