Recent content by br00talxx

  1. br00talxx

    Top 5 Fav Cartoons!

    I dont remember watching a G.I Joe one O_O What in your opinion is the best South Park ep? Everyone seems to have one
  2. br00talxx

    Top 5 Fav Cartoons!

    Ima massive cartoon fan. All I watch are cartoons, anime and tv series. But wats ur fav cartoon or top 5? Mine! *Spongebob Squarepants *The Brak Show *Aqua Teen Hunger Force *Metalocalypse *The Venture Brothers There really are too many ><
  3. br00talxx

    Last movie you've watched

    It was like a 38ºC degree day out (102.2 ºF) and a bunch of us were having.... smokes.... around the side of the mall and theres like bushes and shit where we were standing. We all left to go back in and a friend asked for a lighter. My friend threw it and it went over his head and into the...
  4. br00talxx

    Metalocalypse fans anyone??

    Best ep is when Toki joins the tribute band as Skwisgaar. ANd my fav is a toss between Toki or Skwis. Im gonna go with Skwisgaar. 'Oh, Toki, it's adorables you really wants to takes more solos but i am the leads guitarist, you know. Why? Because, I ams, how do you says? Way more gooders than...
  5. br00talxx

    Last movie you've watched

    We accidently burnt down some bushes in the back of the building so paying for that shit did end up being worth it haha
  6. br00talxx

    Who Are You?

    Name: Tia Favorite bands: Pantera, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Cryptopsy, Psycroptic, The Devil Wears Prada and Drop Dead Gorgeous *shrug* Something unusual: Im small and obsessed with cartoons Favorite movie: Spongebob Squarepants the Movie and Final Fantasy: Advent Children! Fave food: Pizza...
  7. br00talxx

    A Chick from Oz... and there aint no Wizard

    Eh! Im going to Meshuggah too. Im hanging out bad for Behemoth and JFAC tho. That show is gonna b sweet. I go out alot to just pubs and clubs. MOre friends parties lately but Im gonna gig it more and especially this next month is full on. I just need the money for it. I guess Im into like...
  8. br00talxx

    Last movie you've watched

    I paid to go watch Toy Story 1&2 in 3D. Why? I dont understand why I did that considering its been out for fukin years and they would have already gotten money from the box office right? And now their making more money from the same movie just in 3D.. its my fault
  9. br00talxx

    Hottest Men in Metal:

    Shagrath from Dimmu Alexi Laiho from COB Zakk Wylde Phil Anselmo Young Varg [SIZE="3"[/SIZE]
  10. br00talxx

    What is art and what is not.

    Rhianna and Jay-Z! I have a very hard time when someone calls them artists when those ppl are entertainers. Artist are creative enough to think of more words to use in their songs besides moaning over shit they cant think of (Rhianna) or just reapeating the same goddamn words over again (Jay-Z)...
  11. br00talxx

    A Chick from Oz... and there aint no Wizard

    No shit your from here too! Do you go out much or go to shows? Looking forward to any upcoming ones?
  12. br00talxx

    A Chick from Oz... and there aint no Wizard

    Thank You! Now I just gotta look for something to fukin do on here ><
  13. br00talxx

    A Chick from Oz... and there aint no Wizard

    Im from Melbourne and 22 years old. I thought Id join this thing because I got a new job that means im at a desk alot and I want something else to waste my time. So why the fuk not? Wait... am I allowed to swear in here? Im not in a band. I dont play an instrument. Im not here to promote...