Recent content by brandondrury

  1. B

    Drumagog's MIDI out in Cubase 5? How do.

    How did you do it? I'm having problems with Drumagog 5 not routing the MIDI out to a new MIDI track in Cubase 5. I have the new track set with the MIDI input as Drumagog 5. Under "Settings" in Drumagog I have MIDI out enabled. Brandon
  2. B

    First impressions of the Focal Twins

    Congrats on the Focals, dude. Moving from Mackie HR824s to my Focal Solo6BEs w/ Sub6 was the single greatest change in my audio life, which means it was the single greatest change in my real life (except for getting naked with a girl that one time). It's exciting seeing other dudes move up...
  3. B

    Killer Home Recording?

    Ha! With what? I do have a Martech preamp I never use that I can't find the energy to make myself toss on Ebay. I have a huge collection dirty socks by my desk, but that's only worth something if you are in a Foxhole in Bastogne. Brandon
  4. B

    Killer Home Recording?

    Hey guys! First off, for anyone who is on the fence, I give a full money back guarantee. The risk is zero.:Puke: The Killer Home Recording series is intended to knock out all the big problems that get in the way of the first 3 years of recording. There are a billion "what ifs?" and my...
  5. B

    Sucky direct bass sounds shootout

    If that's the case, going straight into the preamp is what I would recommend. The only reason I used the Sansamp on the clip you posted above was because the Martech MSS-10 has no 1/4" input. While I was at it, I went ahead and nastied it all up, but I often wait to do that. With that...