Recent content by Brisantni

  1. Brisantni

    Is this Forum dead???

    I guess it is just ill. Pulse is very weak indeed.
  2. Brisantni

    70 000 tons of metal cruise

    YEAH! I wonder how you get rid of the paparazzi. I mean you are a star kind of I guess.
  3. Brisantni

    Happy Halloween

    Actually I don't know. Some import I guess.
  4. Brisantni

    Happy Halloween

    When I was a child I've had always lots of old, bad, evil-smelling eggs and also stones just for the doors of those bad ones.:)
  5. Brisantni

    Happy Halloween

    Last year I forgot about Halloween and hadn't any sweets for the kids. Gave them money instead. Today I've bought lots of sweets but no little monster knocked on the door.:mad:
  6. Brisantni

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    Quite a silent place.
  7. Brisantni

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    The winner beer? Irish :)
  8. Brisantni

    Johan playing a Viking warrior? I don't see that working...

    Somehow stopped watching so many films, don't know why. But this one I will be watching for sure.
  9. Brisantni

    Now playing + Comment above

    And? You've already got it? What do you think about it?
  10. Brisantni

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    Actually one could think you don't need any theoretical studies anymore... well, I know... And? How did you judge?
  11. Brisantni

    Amon Amarth Germany Tour 2013 Presale Dates

    Fine! It's always good to have a good aunt.
  12. Brisantni

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    sport would be a good idea right now. whooaaah it's so cold. but football is shit.
  13. Brisantni

    Amon Amarth Germany Tour 2013 Presale Dates

    The only printable tickets (ticketdirect on I found are for the events in Osnabrück and Oberhausen... :erk: The ticket for the event in Vienna at least you can pick up somewhere or they send it to your hotel.... Sorry...
  14. Brisantni

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    No comments on the new viking adventure of Johan H.?