Recent content by Brucie Chickinson

  1. B

    Metal Hall is giving away the prizes at Tonight's Hogues Show

    Tonight at the Newport Beach Hogue Barmichaels show Keyser aka Metal Hall is giving away the goodies. A TROOPER TEE SHIRT and um....................what was the other prize??? Shall I give it away? A Maiden disc thingy? :hotjump:
  2. B

    sometimes I wonder...

    The dum dums of society will soon breed themselves out of existance...esp this guy since he blew his genitals off. ouch!
  3. B

    The World's a better place....

    hahahahahaha That's classic.
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    Back from Maiden San Diego

    Janick actually toned down much of his normal moves from BNW or RIR dvd shows...he used to move around alot more.
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    Maiden/Maidens Photos

    WE took Janick photos...he was soooo nice. Char...let's put those up!!!!
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    Maiden/Maidens Photos

    Snausages....we...or at least I was very close...hahaha to that.
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    Bruce Chickinson

    Yep...that's why we are obsessed with teeth whitening products. lol.
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    Maidens meet Maiden

    Yes...stay tuned. We will all give our take of meeting our "Maiden Man." Char is processing all the stories now and checking them for grammar etc.
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    Bruce Chickinson

    Panic attacks and coffee. That's my middle name. How did you know?
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    I15 to Las Vegas CLOSED - Detour

    Basically when we finally meet Maiden as a band on Sunday we will all look haggard after gigging out of town, not sleeping and driving for 9+ hours. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :-( Thanks for the warning SK!
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    For those not in Vegas, a shameless show plug :)

    Looks like a great show Proto-dude Vince! Sorry we have to miss it!
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    Bruce Chickinson

    Thanks sir Lards Alot...never saw your post...sorry you got mad ...I've been working 85 hours a week plus the family to care for...all the bloody cooking and cleaning...singing for plus two I started bass lessons....please forgive me....oh yeah...I've been planning the benefit jam...
  13. B

    I just came here to say ...

    Thanks sir Lards Alot...never saw your post...sorry you got mad ...I've been working 85 hours a week plus the family to care for...all the bloody cooking and cleaning...singing for plus two I started bass lessons....please forgive me....oh yeah...I've been planning the benefit jam...
  14. B

    Good luck this Saturday...

    Mr. Crowley, My hubby's Ozzy tribute band is playing at 14 Below Sat the 23rd. Check for more info...or is it ....?
  15. B

    The Maidens in THE WAVE MAGAZINE out today Our latest magazine article...hard copy magazine located in the frisco area....I'll have to pick up a copy this weekend when I'm there for the METALLIBASH.......Alan Birdsell...they use your biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig photo of...