Recent content by BrutalExorcist

  1. B

    My attempt at Digiorgio's Crystal Mountain

    Neverthesame, weird comment, but your hands look huge, and I thought I had big hands. Excellent playing though!
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    How big is your hand?

    I'm another one with banana trees for hands. That said, check out Steve Bailey sometime. The guy is lucky to have feline paws for hands, and he pulls off insane intervals on a six string fretless bass of all things. It's just like basketball: the tallest kid in the class always going to have the...
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    steel fingerboard fretless

    I actually like this one quite a bit, looks like it was built from an aluminum gutter, but sounds incredibly "woody" for being all metal, and it looks like someone can build something similar for under $400:
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    Another Great Band!

    Nice jazz / funk / prog metal fusion! I take it the bassist double tracks the "rhythm guitar" on bass?
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    Playing SDG songs

    The bass a Douglas by chance?
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    You can play the notes, which is good. I thought the parts themselves were well constructed, if technical is the route you're taking, and I'd definitely need to practice those lines quite a bit if I were to play them. However, simply playing the notes isn't good enough if you want to exist at...
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    I want to introduce you to my new favorite bass player...!

    He's been one of my favorites at least for a couple of months now. I don't think it wouldn't be a stretch to call him the most under-appreciated bassist in metal right now.
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    Freedom to play

    I have played with guitars who were root-note-follow-me autocrats in the past. One even assumed I knew no music theory because I wasn't playing the roots of chords. They exist, but the way I see it these days, looking for bands these days is a buyer's market for bassists. Look hard enough, and...
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    Guilty Pleasures

    Rick Astley, if I had a guilty pleasure. Really though, doesn't having a guilty pleasure go against everything metal?
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    Howdy from Illinois, USA

    Quick shout, I'm from Illinois, graduating from college this May, love playing 6-string fretless bass, and though I love metal, I love playing all genres which spawn creativity. I used to fly planes, enjoy stormchasing during the stormy season, and other than that, ask and I shall answer most...
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    What kind of Bass does everyone have/ why do you think that sadus is not well known?

    n00b poster here, long time Steve Digiorgio fan and a fan of awesome bass playing in general. I play a Douglas WOB-826 fretless 6'er, not the most "tr00" or "kVlt" bass out there by any stretch, but it's a blast to play and sounds good. I can't contribute anything more than what's been said...