Recent content by Brutally Brutal

  1. Brutally Brutal

    The link between metal and violence needs to be broken (an essay)

    Your last sentence perfectly encapsulates my thesis. And this paper was written for my writing class, not a social sciences class, but I'm going to be taking Criminology next semester (which is social sciences) and hopefully I'll be able to work the metal/crime link in somehow.
  2. Brutally Brutal

    The link between metal and violence needs to be broken (an essay)

    I don't take it as gospel, nor am I saying that he wasn't competent enough to participate in his trial. You can be a socially functioning sociopath or psychopath, which he was, barely. In Lords of Chaos they have some scans of hand written documents by him describe why he named himself Varg. He...
  3. Brutally Brutal

    The link between metal and violence needs to be broken (an essay)

    He fits all the clinical criteria of a psychopath, thus why I used the clinical nomenclature. Oh, and the quote from the female fan is from this: or this: I'm pretty sure its the...
  4. Brutally Brutal

    The link between metal and violence needs to be broken (an essay)

    Read Lords of Chaos. How can you not think he is insane? He fucking mailed an Israeli black metal band a bomb because they wrote a song about the holocaust. Right before he was going to be paroled, he broke out of jail, raided a military barracks, and then was pulled over with a car full of...
  5. Brutally Brutal

    The link between metal and violence needs to be broken (an essay)

    Thanks. Well I got an A, and it makes me want to start integrating my major (Psychology/English) with one of my greatest interests (metal, obviously). It is such an interesting subculture that is so tight knit yet pictured as a group of insane individuals who all wallow in death and suffering of...
  6. Brutally Brutal

    The link between metal and violence needs to be broken (an essay)

    Since its inception, metal music has been closely associated with violence and since then crimes have been related to or blamed on the aggressive genre. Some artists promote this unfortunate by-product of metal, instead of the genre’s power to release violent urges which would otherwise be...