Recent content by Bulldozer

  1. Bulldozer

    I didn't know where to ask it, but

    I read about this in another interview with Jonas, although in swedish.. Seems like they don't wanna spoil it. Basically he's saying that he wants to keep the evergrey-mystery a mystery... Source...
  2. Bulldozer

    Embracing Genocide

    Actually, to call it FAIR is to go over the top. And no, it would not be chosen by EVERYONE, since not everyone would vote. Probably because it's pretty stupid. Depends on what theory you're thinking about. How about the mass psychosis and suicide rates that probably would go up the roof...
  3. Bulldozer

    Embracing Genocide

    i brought natures selection up since you talked about evolution and the stronger always survives. i'm just saying that your or mine perception of a strong person, might not be the same in natures eyes. and i'm kind of curious, IF we decide that we need to kill a bunch of people that does...
  4. Bulldozer

    Embracing Genocide

    that's not what i said either. i was talking about people with deadly diseases that we now can cure. it's "against natures choice" or is it? and if you read the last part of my post, just because you live in a fancy house, and you are a well educated person wouldn't automatically make you...
  5. Bulldozer

    Embracing Genocide

    anathematized_one has a point actually, we would probably not survive in this amount if we didn't make medicine and tools to make our lives more simple. BUT, on the other hand, you're taking it too far. it's impossible for a specie to get this kind of intelligence like we got, and NOT try to...
  6. Bulldozer

    Folk metal?

    actually, polska does not origin from sweden, but hardly anything does (except nyckelharpan of course)... but it is the closest thing we got ;) it's a amazing feeling though... playing/dancing to a really cool polska. hurdy gurdy is called a vevlira in swedish, and has a striking resembelance...
  7. Bulldozer

    Whats Instruments Do You Play?

    violin, nyckelharpa and some piano. oh yeah, i sing mostly though.
  8. Bulldozer

    Clean vocals !!

    remember, your vocal cords/voice isn't fully developed until you're over 30 (or something like that), no serious and respected operasinger is especially young... it takes time..
  9. Bulldozer

    Best Drummer of today?

    Fredrik in AA. He is fucking tight. Met him this summer. Cool, kind of quiet guy. And then... on stage.... he blew me away. And Portnoy.
  10. Bulldozer

    The Dimmu Borgir Thread

    It's a shame to feel the need to hide band you like. Whatever you're into, some people will hate it. There's always some guy who tries to bang your head against the wall and say "well, that band SUCKS! listen to THIS band instead, it is much harder/cooler and more...
  11. Bulldozer

    Learning Swedish?

    well, i think skåningar is better at imitating danes than anyone in scandinavia, actually... and värmlänningar is better at imitating norwegians.. not very strange ;) anyhow... if someone wants to learn some swedish, and doesn't have the time and money to take one of those courses, add a...
  12. Bulldozer


    justice, yelle, mstrkrft, midnight juggernauts, codebreaker etc is some good shit
  13. Bulldozer

    Satan or Santa?

    I had the same thought. I read somewhere that a member of the Swedish christian church pays approximately a years salary in a lifetime to them. It's a lot of money if you're not that into God and if you can't accept the "terms" in the Nicene Creed, par example. :Smug:
  14. Bulldozer


    Some of the lyrics can be translated as being abused in other ways as well..
  15. Bulldozer

    Are Evergrey Satanists??????

    Tried to answer your question in your previous thread. Not that i'm a religious expert, but anyhow ;) Well, actually, nobody has the burden of proof. See, they don't call it facts, proof or evidence of anything. They call it faith. I'm not religious myself, but I have my own thoughts about...