Recent content by burank666

  1. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Hi Guys, i had some big family emergency due to that i was not able to check the forum. I will upload the audio of the interview within this week. Hearing the solo of December Flower was an amazing surprise.
  2. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Check this band out!
  3. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Hey Man, great to hear that you are fine. Please check your inbox :)
  4. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    There is excerpt from my interview with Bjorn. This one is about December Flower & Siren Charms...
  5. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    btw, did anyone listen to cyhra's live instagram feed with Jesper & Jake? As far as i remember it was a couple months ago.
  6. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Check out the lyrics for Filtered Truth: "Were all in this together, So I was told All for one, one for none." I think this song can be about the tension between the band as well.
  7. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I think they will release something this year :) Ep or an album.
  8. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I was the tour guide of THE in Istanbul, i hang out with the band for almost 3.5 days. Whole band was so friendly.
  9. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    It was a pleasure to talk with him. Unlike Anders, he was really enjoying the interview or it seemed so to me :)
  10. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I had an interview with Bjorn as well. I will post his answer about Siren Charms shortly. @ciko_gfb i am from Turkey as well btw :)
  11. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    The Siren Charms reply is really interesting. You can hear it below :)
  12. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Here is his reply for THE ATTIC: The interview was really good. I asked him his opinions about Siren Charms after almost 8 years :) I need to edit the interview but i will share the whole...
  13. burank666

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Hey there, i have been reading this forum for a long time anyway i have an interview with Anders this Monday (30th Jan). Do you guys have any questions for him?
  14. burank666

    The new word/world

    I will upload the everdying interview this week.
  15. burank666

    The new word/world

    Hey Jabi, I still have the everdying interview if anyone is interested. It is the new word, but they haven't confirmed it. The everdying guys requested from Stand Ablaze, which the band didn't play that day. I have met them at the airport and asked them if they would play pallar anders visa...