Recent content by Buzz Fledderjon

  1. B

    Can I get some input from you guys?

  2. B

    Your Song!!!!

    Tom Waits - Buzz Fledderjon DUH!
  3. B

    Metallica --- Don't get me started....

    Are YOU kidding? Jason was ALWAYS the weak link. He should have stayed with Flotsam. Maybe they'll sound as good as they did on Justice without him. You couldn't hear him anyways... Well, that'll never happen. Sounding as good... Unless they start practicing again. Geez. I think I'm a...
  4. B

    Roy Khan interview

    Jeez. That was bad. "are you a descendant of..." oh brother
  5. B

    "The Odyssey" voted #1 album of 2002 by Perpetual Motion Forum!

    I think they'll do just fine if they continue playing what they want. Also, I recognized several years ago they weren't trying to be an "all prog metal all of the time" band. But when they do play heavy, you cannot deny it rocks!
  6. B

    Just A Reminder

    OOOhhhhh, seems like there'd be an over oxygenation problem. Or does that kinda add to the, uh, fun?
  7. B

    Does anyone else hear Street of Dreams by Rainbow??

    AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! I'll never hear that song the same again!
  8. B

    Just A Reminder

    Sounds, er, fun!:goggly:
  9. B

    who are your fave non-rock/metal bands?

    been looking for OT Live Underslunky on vinyl for a while
  10. B

    Slayer solos

    My thoughts exactly... Slayer suks!:OMG:
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    Slayer solos

    I was just mouthing off for the sake of reaction. Got none! But, yeah I've loved Mr. Bungle for a looong time. Well, long for a 26 yr old I guess. Ten years? 11? something like that. No, wait. Cali - 99, Disco - 96?95? well, longer than I thought. I got a copy tape of OU818 in 92. No...
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    Now Playing...

    Camel - Uneven Song