Recent content by byte-me

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    Mandatory Now Playing

    You poof! Soilwork - Crestfallen
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    Family Guy

    I lost track for a bit until Mark showed me soem of the newer ones. They are pant wettingly funny infact I've just made a new word!
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    Family Guy

    South Park is better!!!!! :heh:
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    I'm also single.
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    Hi my names Kenny and I'm a alcoh.....oops, I mean I'm a student bum from the Hudds. I listen to THRASH FUCKING METAL and enjoy the geeky things in life as well as the occasional tipple at the pub. I also have a pair of hairy testicles that I like to fondle.
  6. B

    Simpsons Movie

    Meh its ok. Some very funny bits in it but its nothing special. Go see transformers instead much better film!