Recent content by Cacgs

  1. C

    Lead By Satanism Lyrics

    I searched a lot in google but I couldn't find 'em :mad:
  2. C

    Lead By Satanism Lyrics

    I hope they do.
  3. C

    Lead By Satanism Lyrics

    Thank you so much man, even if it's not completed.. it's just great! :rock:
  4. C

    Lead By Satanism Lyrics

    Mmm i see.. Can anyone write what you have figured out?.. i just get the part "it's the end of jesus christ" and "you're committing suicide, but you receive eternal life" or something like that
  5. C

    Lead By Satanism Lyrics

    Hey everyone, im totally desesperated trying to find "Lead By Satanism" lyrics. i've searched every place in google and i cant find em. i've tried to get the lyrics listening to the song, but since english isn't my first language i just get some isolated words. Can anyone over here help me...