Recent content by CaMacKid

  1. CaMacKid

    Dream theater plagiarizing a Christian band?

    I can hear the similarities, but it's so distant it's pointless to consider. I love Red BTW so that ain't favoritism. :) EDIT: Oh and I hate UG comments. I want to rage everytime. It's not healthly to read UG comments.
  2. CaMacKid

    What was the first Theocracy song you heard?

    I heard Bethlehem first on and then I heard Absolution Day. I fell in love with Theocracy instantly.
  3. CaMacKid

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    As an Evanescence fan... that's fake.
  4. CaMacKid

    Yes I have one. In fact it was through I discovered Theocracy. A while back I decided to check out "Christian Power Metal", because I never really heard Power Metal before. I had an idea because I checked out some like Helloween (apparently the "creators" of the genre? correct me if I'm...
  5. CaMacKid

    A question for Matt

    You're supposed to grab your crotch. ;)
  6. CaMacKid

    Your Top 5 Of Theocracy Songs

    No particular order. Bethlehem - First Theocracy song I heard so automatically jumps to the top 5 for me. Such a beautiful song. Absolution Day - Second song I heard ever of them. Just a fantastic song. I love the chorus. Wages of Sin - Fantastic song! Who says you can't be 3:20 long and be...
  7. CaMacKid

    Listening to music that directly defies Christianity

    I think it's up to yourself. If the lyrics/meaning behind the song bothers you, then you won't listen to it anyway. There are some songs I barely listen to because of the lyrics. However if you're a musician or play an instrument the lyrics/meaning probably won't be much of a concern because...
  8. CaMacKid

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Mute Math has some cool songs! I like Chaos the most. I'm listening to Red's new album Until We Have Faces.
  9. CaMacKid

    Cheesy Stuff

    I'm a life long wrestling fan. So I know a thing or two about cheesiness. And no other represents this as much as the... ULTIMATE WARRIOR! RAGING ELEPHANTS! WHOAMG
  10. CaMacKid

    Albums you're looking forward too.......

    Red - Until We Have Faces Theocracy - TBA Evanescence - TBA Tourniquet - TBA Brian Head Welch - TBA
  11. CaMacKid

    So....what'd you get.

    No no, I wasn't at FL. My family friends came from Palmetto FL to Clifton NJ (where I live) I was in Orlando last year but that's something else.
  12. CaMacKid

    So....what'd you get.

    Well aside from the coal. Family friends came over for Christmas. They had a 16 hour drive from Florida. They used to live in my neighborhood & we're all so close. But since the move we've missed them a lot. Really no video game, no new guitar, no new music can top seeing loved ones. All thanks...
  13. CaMacKid

    Merry Christmas 2010 From Theocracy!

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  14. CaMacKid

    So....what'd you get.

    Coal. A big sack of coal. I've been bad...
  15. CaMacKid

    Guilty Confessions...

    I got nothing too add because if I'm ashamed of it I probably don't like it too much. :/