Recent content by carmen monoxide

  1. C

    Iron Maidens + Fire Chicks = FUN!!!!!

    Iron Maidens, will you come out and be bad with us? Your booking email failed me! The girls and I would really like to set things on fire while you play, including our own breasts! Please check out and be our new best friends! And please sign my Iron Maiden(s)...
  2. C

    fire dancing to the Iron Maidens!!!

    Hi there! Great self portrait with your address! In response to your email, yes, I am one of the performers! I am Carmen Monoxide. If you click on the "Our Players" link, there should be a link for me with photos and God knows what else. We haven't gotten a chance to play in the bay area, yet...
  3. C

    fire dancing to the Iron Maidens!!! what would metal be without a wee bit of fire from time to time?