Recent content by CategoryV

  1. CategoryV

    Overloud teases TH3?

    Th3 is out NOW! You can download the demo now - still doing it myself :-)
  2. CategoryV

    Softube's Metal Amp Room

    Thanx, although I've been here quite a while...reading :p Indeed the clip sounds pretty cool, thank you very much! The video tutorial on the Softube site sounds pretty crappy though :Smug: Still a pity that even the demo requires iLok so I will probably never hear the unprocessed sound of...
  3. CategoryV

    Softube's Metal Amp Room

    So does someone has a serious opinion on MAR? As far as the video on the download site converns, it will in no respect even touch Revalver MkIII, eh? Apart from that 179$ is pretty much for 1 1/2 amp without any effects. And last but not least the most annoying thing...iLok. I don't know...