Recent content by ccd333

  1. C

    Any new album info?

    Finally! It sounds like it might be a little more progressive than Fall From Grace.....AWESOME!!! Bad news is the time frame for the release (shown at the end of teaser). :(
  2. C

    Any new album info?

    Wow....if ever there was an indication of how many posts on a forum NOT correlating to a band's excellence, this is it! Who else is extremely excited about new material?
  3. C

    So, now that NINE is out, what are people's opinions?

    I would give it a NINE out of ten. See what I did there?:D
  4. C

    Utter Disaster - Denver Concert - Annette to hospital Pardon me for not being up to snuff on my Ralf Scheepers trivia. I guess that reinforces my original point then, right?
  5. C

    Utter Disaster - Denver Concert - Annette to hospital

    My sense is that he would say it was worth it. He pursued a dream situation and came up short. At least he took a shot. He will land on his feet again if he is talented and perserveres. Also, my guess is if you asked him how he would feel about one of his former bandmates getting the...
  6. C

    Utter Disaster - Denver Concert - Annette to hospital

    a) Rookies beat out people in other arenas of competition/sports/work ALL the time. Many bands/teams/employers prefer younger people who may have a fresh approach, bring an energy to the situation, or who might have something else intangible to offer. b) If I was a fan I would rather have...
  7. C

    Utter Disaster - Denver Concert - Annette to hospital

    I was at the show and it was hardly a disaster. The girls did their best and sounded great. Mistakes were going to's belaboring the obvious (and a cheap shot) to even mention it in a negative way. My only disappointment was not having a longer set even in spite of the...
  8. C


    Thanks for that clarification. I would really like to see the entire review. So long as they are not overly gratuitous or grossly esoteric, I for one am rather fond of technical words and sophistication! Circus Maximus is a progressive band.....I'm sure the fine folks on this forum can wade...
  9. C


    This is very well written (save for a few typos here and there), but I'm a bit confused about who is writing what??? Obviously this is not the same song by song review from the original link. Is this last review YOUR words? And is the original link from someone else? If so, I misunderstood and I...
  10. C


    I think it's interesting you posted this link to a review in another language when this forum is in English. Instead of asking everyone to request the English version, why don't you provide it as a courtesy to all who surely would be interested?
  11. C

    Circus Maximus - Nine: My Review

    Fair enough. And I wasn't addressing your general opinion of the album.....I get that you meant it was good overall. I was questioning your caveats and I think we can just agree to disagree on some of those things. I think whatever departure in sound won't alienate any more fans than the...
  12. C

    Circus Maximus - Nine: My Review

    Not sure which album you are listening to...but I think: - There are plenty of catchy melodies and choruses. I am already "replaying" parts of several songs in my head when I am not listening. Maybe you just need to hear it a few more times. :Spin: - The ringing guitar sound is called...
  13. C

    Has anyone read Aniara?

    I wonder if the character name Inara from Firefly/Serenity was taken from that poem? Different spelling (and pronunciation?), but there is a science fiction connection.
  14. C


    Very sad indeed......but what wonderful sonic memories those who didn't know him personally will always have. I always take that as solace and think of how an artist lives on in their work.
  15. C

    Fall from Grace - My thoughts

    I agree. My biggest "problem" is listening to it and then trying to listen to just about anything else. It's one of the few albums I've ever heard once and been completely overwhelmed.