Recent content by Cereal

  1. C

    The Dark Roots Of Earth

    Shit, sounds like it's gonna be awesome, regardless of whether it tops Formation. Still gutted about Bostaph though, was hoping to hear him play on the new album. Guess I can't complain tho hah. Surprised again that they didn't go with Barker or Tempesta, instead of Jon Allen.
  2. C

    Next Testament CD

    Yeah I thought they'd try to get Clemente or Barker back. Or even Tempesta or someone. But as Hoglan is better than all three of them, it's k. Though I personally think Paul is the best drummer within Testament... his work in Formation blows away Gene's in Demonic.
  3. C

    Next Testament CD

    They're to go into the studio to start recording on the 20th, according to their last update on facebook. :kickass:
  4. C

    Your favourite song on TFOD is...

    Fuck, what I'd give to hear that. They should switch it up with Formation as the closer now and then.
  5. C

    Next Testament CD

    ^I still love it to death, was my favorite Testament album for quite a while, I just think they were kinda playing it safe with the album, yknow?
  6. C

    Your favourite song on TFOD is...

    "...haven't heard in a long time". Hehe. Hardly. I fucking love Testament, but those same songs do get boring after a while. Maybe boring's a bad word to use... more "tired".
  7. C

    Next Testament CD

    xD But to answer your question, I hope they go for something unique/not overused/not used at all. Formation, as catchy and cool a theme as it was, was on the more cliche side in metal. Very "by the numbers". As with the music style on it actually.
  8. C

    Your favourite song on TFOD is...

    They still seem to have this stupid mindset of "the fans only want to hear stuff from the first two albums, so we'll ignore the rest of our discography"... =/
  9. C

    Next Testament CD

    I'm gonna go with early 2012, knowing the guys. Either way, psyched! Pascal: Uh, Dehumanizer, by Black Sabbath, is already used. Haha.
  10. C

    Your favourite song on TFOD is...

    FEAR, every time. Instantly thought it was a head and shoulders above the rest when I heard it. Wouldn't have been out of place on The New Order or Souls Of Black. By the way, has it ever been touched live?
  11. C

    Next Testament CD

    That's what she said. Sorry, I had to... :Saint:
  12. C

    Testament Song Statistics

    Has Chasing Fear ever been played? Best song off Low, IMO.
  13. C

    Testament Song Statistics

    From what I've seen, SBTL is for die hards only really. Really bad quality, but decent footage.
  14. C

    Testament Song Statistics

    Not a problem. Testament 10/04/99: Hirsch, Nurnburg, Germany Testament 02/17/91: The Boathouse, Norfolk, VA Testament 04/13/08: Key Club, Hollywood, CA Any chance you could send me any of those three shows? I'd be willing to trade whatever bootlegs I have, though I dont have many, if at...
  15. C

    Testament Song Statistics

    Whoaaa. So many fucking bootlegs. Dyou know which ones from around 98-02 and 90-91 are good quality, or have good setlists? I've been searching for bootlegs or proshots from the Souls and Gathering tours, as they pretty much ignore those albums live anywhere else. I've only been able to find...