Recent content by ChadFromCanada

  1. C

    Now Playing Thread

    Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
  2. C

    Anyone into Ásatrú?

    It'd probably be interesting to read about but you'd have to be about as crazy as Varg to actually practice or convert. That would be the ultimate in sillyness.
  3. C

    Black Metal.

    I like Black Metal. Bands that I like of the genre are: Darkthrone, Emperor, Ancient and Ulver. I haven't really gone that far into black metal yet but those are the keepers so far.
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    If In A Used CD Section In A Store and See a Band You Never Heard Of Do You...

    When I see used CDs or Records, I usually look at the year it was recorded, the name and songs, sometimes song lengths, the instruments used in the liner notes, maybe even thank you notes, record label, etc. Any number of factors can help me determine if it's something I would like, including...
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    Thanks. I already have all of their stuff though and I don't see how they are similar at all to Burzum. They are awesome though.
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    What Burzum album do you guys recommend next? I've only heard Filosofem but like it a lot. Anything else similar in Varg's discography?
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    Ghost Reveries LP

    Is it out of print? I'm looking to order it online because my copy bought in Nice, France was in pretty bad shape after I opened it (I zink zee French reseal LPs, no?). I couldn't find it on Roadrunner's site. Is it still available to order online, other than from eBay or other private...