Recent content by chadsxe

  1. chadsxe

    Wondering if you guys can guess what amp this is :)

    What? No it was a DSL100
  2. chadsxe

    Wondering if you guys can guess what amp this is :) I said for a first attempt it was a decent job. Now I am sure I could make even better use of the amp.
  3. chadsxe

    Wondering if you guys can guess what amp this is :)

    Not a low-end marshall and Mode four. It actually is a very early Marshall JCM200 DSL100.
  4. chadsxe

    Opinions on this mix, please

    Labor of love....:rock:
  5. chadsxe

    SM7b questions

    To be honest I was a little taken back about the persons comment about completely replacing the u87. Though the SM7 can do a damn good job on some singing voices I think I would opt out for some short of condensor. Now if he was comparing straight screaming voices maybe he has an argument.
  6. chadsxe

    Opinions on this mix, please

    Why not just use a program like drumagog. Can't get much simpler then that.
  7. chadsxe

    SM7b questions

    Those two mics you compared are completely diffrent. Obviously th at4060 is going to catch the nuances of the voice better consider it is a CONDENSOR. :guh:
  8. chadsxe

    Wondering if you guys can guess what amp this is :)

    Thanks it was the very first project I ever did. Which I feel turned out alright for being so green at the time. I am still holding off on telling the amp but I will say this. Though it is not an uncommon amp it seems to get shit on this forum.
  9. chadsxe

    Wondering if you guys can guess what amp this is :)

    This is a project I did a couple years ago and I was wondering if anyone want's to play the guessing game and tell me what type of amp I used. Check it out and let me know what you think....
  10. chadsxe

    check my new song! (A#drop, pod xt, deathcore)

    Am I the only one that hears the whole mix pumping a lot? Espically on the high-end. It is really obivous how the L2 rapes the cymbals Try backing the L2 down a lot and fixing that issue in the mix. None the less great writing.
  11. chadsxe

    I have a huge problem here!

    If I am not mistaken .omf is the format that is universal.
  12. chadsxe

    New Old DIRGE

    Sounds great... One things that sounds a tad weird (but could be because I have had my Ipod on all day) is the vocals. They seem a little detached from the rest of the mix. None the less it still sounds fucking great..
  13. chadsxe

    Guys, the keys to a good mix? Can anyone explain frequencies to me?

    Holy crap...I forgot about this thread. I will see if I can pull some more stuff up on my free time and post it. Just remember that there is more then one approach to everything.
  14. chadsxe

    another Dirge track...

    I just played a show with them a few weeks here in Chicago. Great band and great guys.
  15. chadsxe

    Sonar 7

    Have it and love it....better midi editing and side-chain are my two fav updates...there is also added work done in the 64-bit enviroment and a bunch of other things.