Recent content by Chainsaw Calligraphy

  1. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Strange sound in!

    I get this problem if the buffer size is set too low, or if I'm pushing the CPU too hard.
  2. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    What are your go to acoustic guitar strings?

    I'm restringing an old acoustic to keep around for recording. I haven't experimented much with different brands/gauges and figured some of you guys might be able to make some good recommendations.
  3. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics free @*

    Thanks for the heads up, I love these games.
  4. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    If you edit drums.. are you entitled to some creative rights/royalties?

    If I recall correctly, unless you've had input on writing/changing the lyrics or melody of a song you aren't automatically entitled to a share of the royalties. Chord patterns and drumbeats don't count as they are usually pretty generic and can't be copyrighted.
  5. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Guitar Pre Amp Suggestions?

    I've had an Engl e530 for a few years now and to be honest I usually end up using TSE x50 instead. The distortion has quite a smooth and modern characteristic that doesn't cut through busy mixes as well as a 5150 type tone. If you want I can throw together a quick comparison between an amp sim...
  6. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Pickup Covers Affecting Tone?

    IIRC adding pickup covers tends to tame the high end a bit and bring focus to the mids and lows.
  7. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    headphones for mixing..

  8. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    How long does it take you to restring a guitar with a Floyd Rose?

    The ordeal usually takes me the best part of an hour by the time I've stretched out the strings and rebalanced the bridge. I was wondering how long it takes you guys and if you have any time saving tips and tricks.
  9. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    recommend me cheap monitors please

    Just buy some in the UK. It's not like they're hard to find:
  10. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Do any of you guys write classical or orchestral music?

    Well I have a solid grasp on classical harmony and orchestration but I struggle to take the chord patterns and turn the individual voices into interesting parts. When I listen to romantic era composers the textures are so elaborate with interesting parts for all of the voices in the harmony, but...
  11. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Do any of you guys write classical or orchestral music?

    I realise this isn't Ultimate Classical Forum, but I've noticed a lot of metal heads seem to have a love of classical music too and this forum has always been a good source of reliable advice. Personally I'm pretty new to writing classical music and was hoping to pick the brain of someone more...
  12. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    PC Purchase Ahead...

    I've always been a fan of AMD for custom built computers. If you're looking to spend £300-400 on the latest top of the line processor the Intels have better benchmarks, but £ for £ you get more for your money with AMD. Another thing is that Intel seem to design a new motherboard socket every...
  13. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Easy Guitar to Synth [REAPER]

    My first thought too, but it seems like reatune has difficulty picking up on rhythm when there isn't a note change. Should be fine for simple bass lines though.
  14. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    6505+ 112 combo vs 6505+ head. what do you think?

    I've heard people say that the combos sound a bit thinner and more brittle than the heads. They aren't as well made as the heads either. Personally I would get the second hand head as you'll probably get back what you paid for it if you ever decide to sell it.
  15. Chainsaw Calligraphy

    Recommendation needed - Condensor mic for vocals and acoustic guitar

    A quick search should turn up loads of threads on this topic. I haven't used any of the mics you've listed, but if you can stretch your budget a little further the Audio Technica AT4040 should be ideal for you.