Recent content by chaos-wolf

  1. C

    From Gods lips to your ears - Headline Tour

    RAD!! I couldn't go to SOTU, and I didn't care to much for the other bands so was hoping they'd headline soon! ^ ___ ^ That's neat you got to talk to them.
  2. C

    amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

    ooh! This is terrific! I'm not going to SOTU, and I was hoping they'd Headline soon! Thanks.
  3. C

    My Forza AA car!

  4. C

    I Simpsonized Johan Hegg.

    And to the best of my and the Simpsonizer's ability, plus crappily drawn armbands, here's what I got: Enjoy.
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    What AA Song Would You Most Like To See on a new Guitar Hero Game?

    Cry of the Blackbirds would work,....nice sig, BTW
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    What AA Song Would You Most Like To See on a new Guitar Hero Game?

    :D you have a point there,....
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    Meeting Them After A Show...

  8. C

    What AA Song Would You Most Like To See on a new Guitar Hero Game?

    Asator is my favourite song,...i'd love that! XD With it's badass solo, it'd have to be like, the final song....
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    Meeting Them After A Show...

    ohhh, okay! way cool, btw... how of all people could you not reconized Johan Hegg? O - o also: i like the Folk Metal in your sig ^ __ ^
  10. C

    Ha ha ha..Stupid emos.

    it had good production value, and i like the brittish accents,....but woah, that was dumb.
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    What AA Song Would You Most Like To See on a new Guitar Hero Game?

    me too, they could probably convigure it where you can move the strum bar up and down,...but it would have to tell the people who've never heard/actually played the song to alternate pick,....