Recent content by Chiarascura

  1. C


    Ha, people are talking about kent, must participate! :) Since the release of Isola, kent have been THE dearest and the most important band for me. Isola is the album that I'd take with me on a deserted island; it's just one of those albums where everything's in its right place. It still...
  2. C

    Bands for a katatonia fan

    Deliverance, remember which album the kent song you downloaded was from? If it was from their latest one (Vapen & Ammunition), that's definitely not kent at its best. All of you who are interested in kent, try some songs from the albums Isola and Hagnesta Hill. They're the ones that I'd...
  3. C

    Who is coming to the Helskinki Gig?

    A few pics from the On The Rocks gig if someone's interested. Those that I took without flash turned out sort of.. psychedelic :)