Recent content by Chickenbitch

  1. C

    The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

    now drinking a powerade because i am working at of all places....a religious convention Resolved..arrgghh another day and 1/2 of istening to people preach the gospel..good thing i brought my lap top so i can play games and ignor them
  2. C

    Favorite comic books thread...

    i just picked up a copy of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born from the Stephen King series..its quite good, looks to be a kick ass series
  3. C

    Who Here Was Born Before 1986?

    1969 was a good year..for I was born :kickass:
  4. C

    What upcoming concerts...

    That Heaven and Hell tour is gonna be the shit!!! (even if I did get assed out of going on the tour as one of the lighting techs)
  5. C


    The Bringer...thats exactly it, you can only take so much of some things and ya don't really get to pick and choose what shows ya do, you do the shows that pay the best
  6. C


    I'll check out the servers ya all mentioned, the one i've been playing in is so over crowded sometimes. I usually use the name chickenbitch, crazy chicken or Anaujiram depending on whats taken and whats not so if ya see those names it could be me :kickass:
  7. C

    Breaking News: Old dude joins forum!

    welcome...glad theres people older then me who are still into metal as well
  8. C


    do you play any more or just in the past? btw i like your sigs and where ya at in socal?
  9. C

    Where were you on 9-11-01???

    I was going to work. I had gotten ready as per any normal day,was driving to work and all they were talking about on the radio was how lax (los angeles airport) and all other area airports were closed. I had no clue what had happened until i got to work and my boss had the tv on we all...
  10. C

    Favorite comic books thread...

    Savage Dragon 30 Days of Night Wildcats The Tick Dark Days Fell and about 1000 others I have way to many comics :heh:
  11. C


    yeah I am not a fan of the monthly fee either but my counter-strike friends all started playing so I am giving it a try, its quite fun with a group..I've never played guild wars but hear its cool
  12. C


    yes and no. on a tour yes i see free concerts...every day, the same show, day after day after day after day,for weeks, and not necessarily a show I'd want to see. I actually try to sleep during the shows if possible because lighting people start first and finish last so we have the...
  13. C


    Anyone play world of warcraft? if so what servers and all that crap
  14. C


    intelligent lighting repair tech/ roadie/ lighting crew basiclly I fix those lights ya see moving around at concerts, and set up lighting rigs
  15. C


    nah corporate stuff like conventions, everything from medical , insurance, land developement confrences and stuff.. the best corporate gig I used to do was e3 the gaming expo, but I missed it this year since i was on tour, figures it was the last year they are having it. For a game geek like...