Recent content by chopchop

  1. C

    2 new mixes, sort of prog. been awhile hehe

    song1: song2:
  2. C

    2 new mixes, sort of prog. been awhile hehe

    Hey guys, so its been a long time since ive posted here anything ive done. Those are 2 mixes of mine (vocals soon to come though) would like to have your opnion on 'em :) (some of the drum bits are AD Drums presets at the moment, will change it as soon as i find a normal drumer :P) Song 1...
  3. C

    My latest mix, Prog.

    well all guitars are hp/lp. I'll work on what you said when we'll see the outcome. thanks! Also, about the song itself... that's just my writing, weird as it is.. Also its a real lame amp being recorded her so hence the not very good sound..
  4. C

    My latest mix, Prog.

    Well.. first of all no, its one song.. why do u think its couple? (I guess its the distortion changes? it doesnt really fit ha?) and 2, do u mean i need to hi/lo pass the instruments for that cause? or that there is another way?
  5. C

    My latest mix, Prog.

    Hey guys! So this is my latest mix.. not sure if its 100% done, but its sure getting there! Would love to hear comments.. I think that my guitars have a lack of brightness in the mix, how can I bring their brightness up?
  6. C

    Progressive Rock/Metal mix here

    So a new mix, a new song. Its not completely mixed but more a rough mix. I would like to know how do you think of it, what to change etc.. Forgot to mention that Solo's and Vocals are still missing.
  7. C

    How's this computer for recording?

    ye thought so.. abit of budget issue, but will work it out real soon I hope..
  8. C

    How's this computer for recording?

    Hey guys, wanted to know if this spec is good for a recording computer: Power: A.PFC 550W Board: ASUS DDR3 G41 Processor: Intel 2.66ghz quad core Ram: 2gb Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce 210 512mb Hard drive: 1000gb. is this a strong one?
  9. C

    Windows 7 and cubase

    Heyhey I'm buying my equipment! And I don't even have half of the things I mentioned, just gave an example of future plugins I might buy hehehe
  10. C

    Windows 7 and cubase

    Hey guys, so I'm getting a new computer and I wanted to know does windows 7 works good with DAWs like cubase, plugins of waves, VST (addictive, etc)
  11. C

    Cubase question here

    Worked perfectly, thanks guys!
  12. C

    Cubase question here

    Hey guys! I wanted to know, is there a way of changing the tempo of a song in the middle? like, till 2:45 it will be 120bmp and from 2:45 to the end it will be 160bmp etc. (the song contains Midi tracks so the tempo is crucial.) Thanks in advanced!
  13. C

    A fuckedup mic?

    Hey guys! So since I only had my sucky (AND IT IS A SUCKY) C03 condenser. My friend just gave me a sm57 he doesn't need, now I would like to know, is there a way to know that the mic is working good and not fucked up? (Outside it looks like new, but Its pretty old mic)
  14. C

    Mastering (SSL, Ozone) with my heaviest

    Wow, I totally loved this song! Love the kick so much. and the vocals!
  15. C

    Opeth Acoustic like

    to be honest, the lead sux heh. Will re-write/re-recored tomorrow. thanks for commenting!