Recent content by Chrisf

  1. Chrisf

    5 bands you're THANKFUL to have SEEN at PP

    Pain of Salvation (PP1) Power of Omens Etheria After Forever Conception Always nice to have a happy memories thread...
  2. Chrisf

    Better Know A Band: Voyager

    Not sure I'd agree that the songs are all *that* similar on Univers, but I'd guess you might like Element V more... it's the most diverse by far. After hearing that one, Pain of Salvation comparisons jumped to mind - specifically Entropia.
  3. Chrisf

    Ipods for sell

    Wasn't directed at you personally... :)
  4. Chrisf

    Ipods for sell

    Err... the touch can run almost all the apps that the iphone can? And you have a web browser anywhere you can get wifi? And you can play games on it, and the gyroscopes in the thing can use the way you tilt it to control things in the game. And you can load up ebooks and read them on the go...
  5. Chrisf

    New Schedule

    Wait... I know! What if it just went continuously, so that there was no break between Friday and Saturday...?
  6. Chrisf

    Best Fortune Cookie Quotes

    "Wise man says: 'It takes many screws to build a crib, but only one to fill it.'"
  7. Chrisf

    Sarah Palin & Rob Rock

    Being asked to move it to the Pub in 3... 2...
  8. Chrisf

    Orphaned Land / Suidakra US tour???

    Maybe... but this one is listed as starting at 7pm (I've never been there so I don't know how the club runs). Of course there's multiple openers... well, it's no problem for me, so I'll be getting tickets shortly. But I just wanted people to realize that if they're on the Brown, Red or Blue...
  9. Chrisf

    Orphaned Land / Suidakra US tour???

    I'm not sure I follow you... if you can get on any train line in Chicago, you can get to this show with a single transfer. They all connect in the loop, and it's a free transfer. The fact that this place is 3 blocks from the Green/Pink line means it's one of the better places to get to by...
  10. Chrisf

    Metal songs about lost love ?

    Slayer - Reign in Blood
  11. Chrisf

    Any Of You Old-Timers remember Centaur?

    Um, probably not meant that way. Probably meant as in: any of you who were listening to obscure progmetal bands back when there was only like a few hundred in the country listening to that kind of thing. For example, nowadays it's not that crazy to run into someone who listens to Evergrey, but...
  12. Chrisf

    Introducing your first douchebag bootlegger: Leonel Perez of Perfect Prog Magazine

    Eh, you and several others seem to be missing the cost. If bands and labels believe that it will either eat into live album/dvd sales, or might portray the bands poorly in general, then they have a right, under the law, to prevent it (and demand it for places that they play). Lots of shows...
  13. Chrisf

    New Voyager available for digital purchase

    Thanks! Just bought and am downloading now...
  14. Chrisf

    Having My Surgery Tomorrow- update 9/18 from Sean

    Best of luck, dude! You've had a lot to deal with for a long time...
  15. Chrisf

    Acceptable camera and electronic device usage

    Well, I woulda thought you were talking about me, but I'm not balding, so I guess it's someone else. :lol: Many of the people using cameras or phones to take pictures were legit. Some were definitely not, but almost everyone was cool when asked to put it away. There were a few problems, with...