Recent content by Christiane

  1. Christiane

    The end of Angel Dust???

    Now Steven and Dirk are out, too? Why??? Seems like that Frank are now the only primal member again... the same problems concerning the members as in the past...? :confused:
  2. Christiane

    The end of Angel Dust???

    Yes, rising up from the ashes again!!! :) Hoping very well that there is any future for them... :rolleyes: My thaughts are ramble to last year to the leaving of Bernie... and why Assy rejoin the band after Bernd left... singular... whatseverhis problem, it's abject in front of the fans...
  3. Christiane

    The end of Angel Dust???

    Sadly i think the same.... :waah: What a pity that such things happens!! But what can we do??? Ok, this idea of mine was very opportunistic, but that was my first idea... i don't know what to do... :confused: Guess, that we have to accept the facts... but i feel very sad about this!!! :cry:
  4. Christiane

    The end of Angel Dust???

    Have anyone seen already the post from Frank Banx on the site?? Here it is: FRANK BANX wrote on the 26.07.2002, 16:58:43 HELLO EVERYBODY, I'M VERY, VERY SORRY, THAT I MUST TELL YOU, THAT MY BAND ANGEL DUST IS NOT ABLE TO APPEAR ON METAL DAYZ IN PRATTELN, AS WELL AS I MUST...
  5. Christiane


    Sorry Silkie... i've had many trouble in private reach and therefore no time to visit the chatroom... it's always the same - someone's asking for anything and this one shines through absence! :erk:
  6. Christiane


    Hmmm, this weekend is very engaged for me because here in germany is whit sunday... :loco: What about monday or tuesday?
  7. Christiane


    I think 5-8 CET would be ok - if you mean p.m. :grin:
  8. Christiane

    a few pics...

    ... moreover with AD and other stuff from Silencer (Nick's Band)
  9. Christiane


    Hi Dustin! From the mainpage of BORFC "Chat-Forum-Webring" above the old forum link
  10. Christiane

    Now playing...

    Freedom Call - Crystal Empire Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle Earth
  11. Christiane


    Sorry Silkie! I didn't make it... :rolleyes: But i think the next days (maybe tomorrow or thursday/friday). I guess, we'll be the only persons within? :confused: Greetz, Christiane
  12. Christiane


    Hi Silkie! Hmmm, what about Sunday or another day in the next week? I'll look then in my buddy-list and when i see you there, i'll send you a message and maybe we'll meet there? :spin:
  13. Christiane


    What's up with the chat?? No one to find in it every time i look in - is there anybody out there who desires to talk directly about anything?
  14. Christiane


    YESSSSS!!!!!! That'll be a paaaartyyyyyyyy!!!! :flame: :hotjump: :rock:
  15. Christiane


    Hi Silkie! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you will soon be better!! I'm sure we'll meet again on wacken near the toilets *lol* - or at all at their gig there and drinking a beer together! :hotjump: