Recent content by Christoph_Widmoser

  1. C

    Beer discussion thread

    I'm drinking austrian beer now for about 8 years and i think i know where your mistake is. WHY THE FUCKIN HELL DO YOU DRINK BEER MIXED WITH A SOFTDRINK. There is nothing more unholy on this planet than a RADLER. And by the way. Ottakringer is bullshit. Try a STIEGL BEER and you know what a...
  2. C

    Beer discussion thread

    Wow i want to try this beer. Can you buy it somwhere in the net??? :worship: :OMG:
  3. C

    what is your favourite AA song?

    Pursuit of the Vikings, Victorious March, Bleed for acient gods, releasing Surturs fire and DEATH IN FIRE of course