Recent content by chromatic1234

  1. chromatic1234

    OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

    True beauty comes from within!!
  2. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    Ireland= lots of castles.. I will post some pics of a few castles here soon when I get time.. the Black castle is about 5 minutes from where I live.. its cool its over looking the sea and there are steps cut into the rocks going down along the cliff.. but there aint much castle left only...
  3. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    Yea they shot a scene from that movie "Reign of Fire" there..
  4. chromatic1234

    I have a question that's prolly gonna sound stupid...

    Could'nt have out it better myself!! thank you Jax :notworthy
  5. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    Thank you greenaxer and I know a lot of castles here and some spooky history plus I live near a castle ruin it has the coolest name too its called the "Black Castle":muahaha:
  6. chromatic1234

    You know You're a Symphony X fan when.....

    :rolleyes: You know your a Symphony X fan when you can air guitar the solos but still unsure of a section at 3:34 in the song so u change to air drums till you find your way back into the song:erk:
  7. chromatic1234

    Now Playing

    Andy Timmons Band - Resolution
  8. chromatic1234

    How old are you?

    :danceboy: 35
  9. chromatic1234

    I have a question that's prolly gonna sound stupid...

    Been a fan of DT since 92:notworthy all of the above albums are fantastic but my fave has to be "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" I have all their albums plus a JPEBMM guitar ( no I dont go through their garbage :rolleyes: )but if your a first time listener, I think Images and words would be a...
  10. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    Yep I see that :cool: and thank you Shredboy :)
  11. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    Hey Turke thank you for your kind words and yep I have heard of iona:D you have all been very friendly here:)
  12. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    thank you War_Blade and yea Kerry is a very inspiring place:p
  13. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    Thanks everyone :rock:
  14. chromatic1234

    Greets from Ireland..

    thats good to hear hehe;) and yep I hope to make some good friends round these parts:)
  15. chromatic1234

    Now Playing

    DreamTheater - The Crimson Sunrise, Carpe Diem, The Darkest Winters, Another World, The Inevitable Summer, The Crimson Sunrise