Recent content by Cian_B

  1. Cian_B

    Stupid/Funny/Silly Names Of Metal Songs,Albums, Bands...

    Bondage Goat Zombie. I mean COME ON!!!
  2. Cian_B

    Worst album cover

    I laughed. It wouldn't be so bad, it's just that guy...
  3. Cian_B

    Best 80's era Metallica album?

    My favourite is still the first- Kill 'Em All. :Spin:
  4. Cian_B

    Death Metal

    I love old school Cryptopsy. I could listen to Flo's drumming all day.
  5. Cian_B

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    X Japan - Blue Blood
  6. Cian_B

    Old School Thrash vs. New School Thrash

    Oh old school all the way. It is great that the new bands are keeping the spirit of thrash alive, but the music is boring to me. I recently bought Gama Bomb's "Tales from the Grave in Space" and every song sounds pretty much the same to me. Though I respect the guys for what they're doing!