Recent content by Claudio Summoner

  1. Claudio Summoner

    Orphaned Land in Italy - Transilvania Milan

    Hi Yossi and Guys Thank you for all the compliments:muahaha: it would be a real pleasure for us if you come and sign the Guestbook on our Official Website... :flame:
  2. Claudio Summoner

    Orphaned Land in Italy - Transilvania Milan

    Hi Guys Claudio from SUMMONER here, we hope you enjoyed the show. We would like to thank you for your fantastic support and warmth! Our gratitude goes to Orphaned Land for their friendship and compliments, Loud Session for the organization of the Gig and Need2Be for the great sound...
  3. Claudio Summoner

    The Storm Still Rages - Europien Tour!!

    Thank you all for your interest about Summoner Hey Kobi do you think you'll play VOLARE in Milan? If so I'd like to sing it with you... :hotjump: See you Soon :flame:
  4. Claudio Summoner

    The Storm Still Rages - Europien Tour!!

    Yes...the show will be at Transilvania Live in Milan...I don't know regard the barmaids. :blush: I hope to see you on 7th's just 2 steps from Boston :tickled:
  5. Claudio Summoner

    Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

    Hi all... I'm Claudio, singer of SUMMONER. We would like to make you know that we will play as guest with ORPHANED LAND in Milan on the 7th October. If you don't know my band yet you can go on our official website and download some mp3s from the "Discography" Section or some Clips Live...
  6. Claudio Summoner

    The Storm Still Rages - Europien Tour!!

    Hi all... I'm Claudio, singer of SUMMONER. We would like to make you know that we will play as guest with ORPHANED LAND in Milan on the 7th October. If you don't know my band yet you can go on our official website and download some mp3s from the "Discography" Section or some Clips Live...
  7. Claudio Summoner

    *** ORPHANED LAND'S singing in Italian! VIDEO!!!

    Hi Kobi and all... I'm Claudio, singer of SUMMONER...we'll share the stage on 7th October in Milan. It's me who filmed this video. It was such a fantastic performance that was a pity not to share it with all of your fans who could't be there at the Evolution Fest. Do you remember I gave...