Recent content by Colfrider-666

  1. C

    This Website Needs An Enema!!!

    Quick question, how come the Saint site isn't ever really updated? Last news item from December and obviously there has been news with both John and Joey since then....... I know there hasn't been much happening in the actual AS camp but it seems odd that there hasn't been any updates or posts...
  2. C

    John Bush Will Be Back and Better Than Ever

    Errr OK.... one too many pulls on the Bong methinks
  3. C

    John Bush Will Be Back and Better Than Ever

    I thought about that as well. Joey V playing on an Anthrax album woulda been cool I guess but I'm not sure Scott and Charlie woulda let him write anything. To me a huge part of what I think of as Armored Saint is the writing chemistry between Bush and Vera. That's why I didn't include...
  4. C

    John Bush Will Be Back and Better Than Ever

    Just wanted to show my support for John Bush and Armored Saint. I'm hoping against hope that this current turn of events turns into a huge positive Armored Saint and/or John. I love both Armored Saint and Bush era Anthrax so I am really convinced that what ever direction John decides to take...
  5. C

    Metal in NYC???

    Any cool bars with metal DJ's, jukeboxes, bands, etc.??? Aside from actual shows it's rough to find cool shit to do anymore. Strap On The Oldschool is fucking right. Anyone going to Helmet? What about Megadave? Helmet is sold out so I am fcked there. Not sure if I am into seeing Mega...
  6. C

    last nights death rider video shoot!

    I was a bit surprised that the band were not there (they did have a gig the next night in Cali so I guess I shouldn't have been) but I was even more surprised that they weren't cranking Anthrax all night. At the very least we should have been treated to a sneak preview of the entire disk. The DJ...
  7. C

    greater of two evils 3 track promo leaked

    First off, fucking relax. Second you're link to ShitTorrent sucks ass. It doesn't link me to the song it links me to how to download ShitTorrent page. Which I did and once I realized it was a site that was filled with free Grateful dead downloads I deleted the fucking thing. I couldn't find the...
  8. C

    Total track listing of GOTE?

    I guess we shall see in the coming weeks what the deal is. I guess I will be buying the US version and then see which import to pick up. Fck it I have no problem supporting metal. I know that the Japanese will have something that no other version has. I think that it has something to do with...
  9. C


    I see nothing wrong with the funny hats. Rather that than the early Armored Saint costumes. Speaking of which methinks it is time to crank Symbol Of Salvation. Gotta love Reign Of Fire.
  10. C

    Bon Jovi

    I can deal with Bon Jovi. I mean it's a little sacharine for my taste but I do dig some of that hair band stuff. I do find Jon Bon Jovi too pretentious for words but, hey, if I was selling out Giant's stadium I probably would be as well....and he did try and resurect Billy Squier so how bad can...
  11. C

    Total track listing of GOTE?

    What are the total possible tracks, including import, bonus, b-sides etc, for the GOTE? I'd like to buy this thing once so whichever version is going to contain everything is the one I'll get. If It's going to be a "the Japanese has these two and the digipack has these other two" that will kind...
  12. C

    greater of two evils 3 track promo leaked

    OK, I am fcking clueless. Where are you guys downloading these songs? I don't have any of this stuff even installed on my PC anymore. Used to have Kazaa but after my last hard drive crashed I gave up. Could someone please give me a hand and maybe give me the lowown on which of these things...
  13. C


    Hello All, I am new to the Anthrax forums. I'm an old school classic metal fan. Priest Maiden, Ozzy, Dio etc. You get the idea. Oddly enough I am a new school Thrax fan. I am super into the Bush era material and can't wait for the GOTE next month. I've noticed one thing straight off about...