Recent content by Complete_Loser

  1. C

    Paradise Lost reviews on Sea of Tranquility

    you write metal reviews? tell me, are they all as close-minded and biased as your brilliant breakdown of the new Megadeth album? wow man. totally objective and brilliant reviewing right there. honestly, you come off as a complete idiot who doesn't know the first thing about music. maybe if...
  2. C

    Setlist from the new tour

    i've seen Sy X five times, a couple before the Odyssey tour. they played mostly stuff from V and Twilight at that time, but when they came back on the Odyssey tour, they played almost everything from that album including the Odyssey. i have the setlist on my wall. i would assume that once...
  3. C

    Okay i think i'm gonna like it...

    comparing Serpent's Kiss to Tool is laughable. there's only a few notes in there that sound anything like a Tool riff. it's only the first phrase of the main riff. Serpent's Kiss is light years beyond anything Tool is doing. i doubt Romeo was sitting around listening to Tool when he wrote that riff.