Recent content by Confessor Townsend

  1. Confessor Townsend

    Weird guitar bridge on Tom's Horus

    Search over, for anyone vaguely interested it appears to be a hipshot trilogy which allows you to have multiple tunings set up.:grin:
  2. Confessor Townsend

    Weird guitar bridge on Tom's Horus

    My curiosity was piqued when I saw the picture on one of the Caparison forums as it's definitely something out of the ordinary.
  3. Confessor Townsend

    Weird guitar bridge on Tom's Horus

    Came across the following picture: Can anyone identify the rather unusual bridge on Tom's Horus? It's definitely not a standard Floyd or Kahler as far as I know. Any ideas?
  4. Confessor Townsend

    Which guitar?

    Quilty Warlock all the way, given a free choice of the new NJ models it'd have to be the Assasin.....mmmm blue quilty goodness.
  5. Confessor Townsend

    What gear did James use on Disincarnate-Dreams Of The Carrion Kind

    Still using the green Dunlop Tortexes as well (.88)? :D I still find it funny how some guitarists view Marshalls as not having enough gain for modern metal. The fact that James and Zakk Wylde have both used Marshalls and OD pedals to crushing effect kinda disproves the theory. Edit: D'oh...
  6. Confessor Townsend

    Whats your favorite James Murphy solo?

    Right album, but I think the intro to Infected is superb. Hmmm Touching the Earth is superb as well.
  7. Confessor Townsend

    7-Stringers on RD?

    Tom mentioned in another thread that some of the tracks on Recreation Day used B-tuned 7-stringers (that's H to those who use the alternative nomenclature). If so has anyone seen what they're using, Ibanez, Caparison or something else?
  8. Confessor Townsend

    New Evergrey Fan & Looking for Tuning Info...

    Hang on does that meen you have a 7-string Caparison......?<dribble>
  9. Confessor Townsend

    Guitar: Sabre players in here?

    Just wish I could play as well as Skolnick. :)
  10. Confessor Townsend

    Guitar: Sabre players in here?

    First post to this forum, so a quick hi all to everyone! I've been a Saber addict for years, if you're after one have a look for the late eighties models. I have two 540S-SH models (one single coil one bucker) with the old IBZ USA pups in them and they really scream. To my ears the warmth and...