Recent content by Convict Anatomy

  1. Convict Anatomy

    Convict Anatomy film clip - WARLIKE - now showing

    Convict Anatomy film clip - WARLIKE - now showing on youtube....
  2. Convict Anatomy

    Listen to Convict Anatomy now!!!

    New heavy metal band from Adelaide - Australia..... Have a listen - tell us what you think. LINKS: Music: hear it!(Fuzz Music): Music: hear it!(Reverbnation): Our blog site: say it!:
  3. Convict Anatomy

    Music now on web - Convict Anatomy

    Convict Anatomy has uploaded x3 songs to Reverbnation and Fuzz music... "Google" Convict Anatomy or just click link below... warning! one review said they 'had ear bleed after 30 seconds' of listening.
  4. Convict Anatomy

    Convict Anatomy - NEW - Heavy Metal Band - Australia

    Hello all.... NEW heavy political metal band - from Adelaide - Australia. Convict Anatomy CA music is deep and political, delivering messages of mass chaos and destruction. Warning! -One review said they 'had ear bleed after 30 seconds' of listening. True, other have said 'morbid...