Recent content by Copper_head

  1. C

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    OK, which one of you was this??
  2. C

    Who got children ?

    23, 20, and 17.
  3. C

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  4. C

    ITT we post funny pictures...
  5. C


    It's all the Christians fault because they were not thorough enough in the Crusades. I hope Israel nukes Iran and Pakistan while they're at it.
  6. C

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Trans white ash Cabronita inbound!!! Played an alder one and it played and sounded awesome. The burst was terrible though, I told the manager they shoulda named the color "Turd Burst". Ash body white trans ones are now on backorder at Fender, and then they raised the MSRP $100... MF had...
  7. C

    Hey American Homophobes

  8. C

    Hey Democrates

    "I promise the US citizens will have 48 hours to review any bill before I sign it in to law....."
  9. C

    Your random annoyance of the day

    oops, double tap...
  10. C

    Your random annoyance of the day

    Dang super moon. Random aggressive psycho homeless guy entered my shop, refused to leave and had to be removed by police. Half hour later two more known crazies in the neighborhood fight on the sidewalk out front and police had to return. Hour later there was a shooting at the corner convenience...
  11. C

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    OMG!!! I never knew I had the ability to read minds! This is soooo amazing, I know EXACTLY what he's thinking!!!
  12. C


    ??? It was 114 yesterday, watchu talking about?
  13. C

    Joke time: How does it change many dyslexics to take a lightbulb?

    Why do doctors spank babies? It knocks the penises off the stupid ones. Why are all women angry? You'd be angry too, if some doctor knocked your penis off.
  14. C

    Amy Winehouse - Dead

    I wonder who won??