Recent content by coyotl

  1. C


    Not too long ago I was introduced to a Portuguese Power Metal band called Oratory. When I first heard them I was really impressed by their music and their vocals Ana Lara. Man, this woman can really sing. She has a good powerful voice like Elisa of Fairyland. If you like Darkmoor and Fairyland...
  2. C

    Sabine Edelsbacher and Power Quest???

    Is it true that Sabine from Edenbridge will record one song with Power Quest in July? I just finished reading it from the Edenbridge web site news. Awe man..........I bet it's going to be awesome! This chic could really sing. And not only could she sing, she's a fuckin babe. :hypno: I have all...
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    I was just cruising through mp3 and I ran into Dragonland. I checked out some of the songs such as Holy War, The Neverending Story, and The Orcish March and those songs kicked ass. Do you guys have any more info on them? future (fyucher), n. 1 time to come; time to be. 2 the events of the...
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    Latest CD you bought...

    Just bought my Power Quest CD and it's awesome!!! :tickled: I had a lot trouble trying to find it here in San Antonio, Texas but I never gave up. I also bought Battlelore and it rules too, but not like Power Quest my friends! "A dream is a question that we haven't yet know how to ask"...