Recent content by CraigTNelson

  1. C

    guitars / overheads / tone dilema

    The most important part of tracking a guitar is realizing that it's a two person job. Have your assistant move your mics around until you get the tone you want (after assuring yourself that you've got that tone already coming out of the amp), making sure that you're getting the guitar player to...
  2. C

    Please help a young man find his way thru the metal forest....

    The easiest way to track a bass guitar is through an amp onto at least 1/2" tape. I wouldn't wish tracking bass straight digital on my worst enemy.
  3. C

    Whats your drum pan like?

    Everything's pretty standard (audience position). Orange is toms, purple is OHs and cymbal mics. Kit:
  4. C

    I think I've gotten myself into a bad habbit on the masterbus...

    I mix with a Pultec on the master, with a slight boost at 60 and 16
  5. C

    Stuff you wish you knew earlier

    Absolutely. I usually take for granted that the people who know me know that I'm prone to overstatement and an "IMO" is understood to front everything I say.
  6. C

    Stuff you wish you knew earlier

    Agreed, I apologize. I saw your "not for metal" comments as disregarding what I thought was a helpful post. Especially since I've used that method for metal with great results. Broke a personal record today: 15 mics on a drumkit: all of them necessary. 2 kik mics, 4 toms, snare top and bottom...
  7. C

    Stuff you wish you knew earlier

    I am absolutely NOT incorrect. Listen, if i'm not metal enough for you guys I simply won't post here. Saying stuff like that, aside from being a kind of a douchebag move to a new guy, isn't productive. The thing about recording is that there is no one right way to do it. I understand we're all...
  8. C

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    I still don't agree. I've found that the best compromise is to use 2 overheads for the full kit picture, close mics on all the kit elements and an additional 3 cymbal mics (HPed to hell, of course). But to each his own, I guess. I have a natural resistance, as I'm sure we all do, to being...
  9. C

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    i've been recording for over a decade, but only about 3 years as a full-time professional. I'll admit that I'm new to metal, as we're known as an "indie rock studio" and most of my work at definitely been indie to stoner rock. give me another few days to finish up a metal project I'm working on...
  10. C

    compression while tracking

    If you're using high quality ADDA conversion, the extra stages isn't really that big a deal. There are two real advantages to tracking through compression. 1) you can track hotter, which makes it easier for the singer to hear himself in the cue mix, and 2) good singers will "ride" the...
  11. C

    Melodyne Clicking & Popping

    Melodyne (in Pro Tools at least) doesn't crossfade into and out of the plugin. Make sure you import the audio into and out of Melodyne during silence and not in the middle of a phrase.
  12. C

    Stuff you wish you knew earlier

    - That the "solo" button is the devil and never should be used - ALWAYS record room tone - Just because you're not clipping in the DAW doesn't mean you're not clipping somewhere else. - Just because the Pro Tools fader isn't clipping doesn't mean you've gain staged your plugins...
  13. C

    Bass compression

    If it's the playing, not the instrument itself, that's inconsistent you'll get the best results tracking to tape. But if you don't have a Studer kickin around, get your hands on a Distressor. If the problem is the way the bass is set up, open up your favourite EQ. Each bass note will have a...
  14. C

    Problems with mixing/balancing levels

    You absolutely DO need to mix at 85dB. If you want to mix while knowing full-well what you're hearing out of the speakers isn't what's coming out of your DAW, feel free to monitor lower or higher. If you can mix at lower levels, all the more power to you, but I wouldn't ever suggest it to...
  15. C

    Problems with mixing/balancing levels

    Just go to Radio Shack and buy one, if it's off by a dB or so it's not a huge deal so just buy one that looks like it won't break if it falls off your desk (it will). Yeah, it was a Stav quote. i said 85 dB for a reason, there's a little thing called the Fletcher-Munson curve. You'll get a...