Recent content by Creator_Failure

  1. Creator_Failure

    Musician users thread!

    i guess while we're at it, check out my band as well!
  2. Creator_Failure

    At the Gates Reunion Tour

    hey guys, was at the first show in NYC last night and going tonight also. Got to the venue at around 8:30, missed toxic holocaust and caught the end of municipal waste. A good Thrash/Crossover band that put on a good live set. Darkest hour were pretty much an at the gates ripoff with sweeping...
  3. Creator_Failure

    Reunited CYNIC To Record New Album!

    Quality technical metal connoisseurs and open-minded music-lovers in general will be delighted to hear that Florida's legendary CYNIC have returned to creative power after a successful European re-union tour in the summer of 2007 and will soon be recording a new album, their second after 1993's...
  4. Creator_Failure

    Blood Meridian

    I dont know if you know what DT sound like, but this isnt it
  5. Creator_Failure

    How did you come across Dark Tranquillity?

    it was 3 years ago, in november 2004, right after world of warcraft came out... I had named my character Moonshield, after the in flames song, and i met a fellow player who recognized my name... we started talking about metal, and he asked me if i had heard of Dark tranquillity or Soilwork. I...
  6. Creator_Failure

    favorite album for 07'

    Dark Tranquillity "Fiction" cannot stop listening to this album, its amazing
  7. Creator_Failure

    Your DT Funeral Song

    the minds eye of course
  8. Creator_Failure

    One line (or few) in some lyrics that striked you most and why?

    Nevermore "Passenger" All passenger prepare the game ritual: There once was a man on this train, he was born into this world alone Hands never laid on the wheel, content, he will never know more He was a quiet man in pain, his tears I fear are closing in again What you lose in years you again...
  9. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    Here are some of the pics i took from the Jaxx show in VA on sunday... The quality of the pics suck, becuase i forgot my digital camera at home and bought a disposable one at cvs across the street... hope you all enjoy!
  10. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    I agree, the sound at gramercy was AWFUL, i felt so bad for Into Eternity, they got screwed out of what was by them an amazing performance. Even the haunted had awful mixing, thankfully the sound was a bit better for DT... an excellent 3 day weekend, will post pics tomorrow of the shows!
  11. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    haha sorry if i was confusing, i meant the flask and tee were each $25 seperatly... the hoodie is a brand new one, not a zip up but with a pocket in the middle. It said Dark Tranquillity on front with two skulls and the back said "nothing to no one" on the bottom. Im sure they'll have more mens...
  12. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    haha, the flask is pretty badass i must say, but I couldnt afford to drop $25 for a flask and a shirt. The hoodie is really nice as well, im thinking of picking one up tonight and i definatly want the short sleeve shirt, as i went to buy it last night after DT finished but they were all sold out
  13. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    you guys have seat numbers on your tickets? mine just say GA on them...
  14. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    Was it me, or did michael nicklasson look really skinny/sickly? He didnt come out to the bar after the show with the rest of the band, i hope everything is alright
  15. Creator_Failure

    Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

    haha yea she was, the drummer from into eternity was trying to hit on her and my friend and i were convincing him at the bar that it was a lost cause!