Recent content by crypticbastard

  1. C

    Classic Thrash Metal Reborn

    Oh man, that last mix is killer! Guitars are so phat! Just replace 'em hats 'n cymbals and maybe bring the bass up so it cuts through. I like to hear the actual bass playing in the mix, instead of just the low end. Cheers!
  2. C

    Noobie mix, help a brotha out

    Drums are usual EZ with it's dry preset and a touch of reverb and compression. I'll have to look into processing the different pieces of the kit separetely. Thanks!
  3. C

    Noobie mix, help a brotha out

    Hello! I'd like a little moment of clarity before this thread goes in thy hands. I am quite new to mixing/mastering and I am well aware that my mix probably sounds like crap to you guys. I record with a very simple poor man's rig, basically Squier Strat (partially explains why the solos sound so...