Recent content by Czika

  1. Czika

    Alexi and Finnish Cookery Progamme

    Alexi in the kitchen? Oh God! I still remember his sliced sausages with pasta and poured with vodka... I would never eat something prepared by him, seriously. But the pics are nice. :)
  2. Czika

    Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

    I've got a stupid question. :grin: How many guitars does Alexi own? I never could count them xD
  3. Czika

    What/who inspired you to play guitar?

    It's funny somehow but it was Children Of Bodom! :D Not so long ago, last month I started playing guitar. I'm a beginner and playing is difficult for me but I believe that someday I'll become as quite good as many typical guitar players just to play my favourite songs...
  4. Czika

    Best COB Album from Best to Worst

    FTR and HCDR the best. Then AYDY. Next: I think it's gonna be SW, then HB. And the last: BD and RRF.
  5. Czika

    What are you listening to?

  6. Czika


    I don't like rap, country, pop and I hate disco polo. It's so lame... Oh, and there's something called dubstep or something like that - it's horrible too.
  7. Czika

    Best of ... RRF.

    best intro: Roundtrip to Hell and Back best verse: Roundtrip to Hell And Back best melody/riff: Roundtrip to Hell and Back best chorus: Relentless Reckless Forever best guitar solo: Cry of the Nihilist best keyboard solo: Roundtrip to Hell and Back Well, it was hard for me to choose. I...
  8. Czika

    COB start writing new album

    Can't wait for the new COB album. Hope it will be better than the two last. I want it to be something a little bit like FTR but not all the same. Variety of riffs, solos, many keyboards parts... and good lyrics. I do care about lyrics, about what is the song about. Alexi sometimes writes really...
  9. Czika

    who's the best in COB??

    I think they all are the best! Not separetely, but together in the band. Alexi and Janne are really outstanding, but other members are talented too! I can't imagine COB without Jaska, Roope and Henkka. I just can't. I would be no longer COB... For me Henkka is the best. Mabye he isn't the...
  10. Czika

    New Children of Bodom vs Old Children of Bodom. The Argument.

    It's hard to compare old Bodom to new Bodom. Many of you complain about new COB's music style. But imagine them releasing seven albums sounding all the same! It would be just boring. Two, three albums sounding similar is okey, but the band has to move forward, make progress. No, I don't want to...
  11. Czika

    Hatebreeder Or Follow the Reaper?

    Follow The Reaper. Dunno why I like FTR songs more. Mabye because Alexi's vocal is better. But it doesn't mean I don't like Hatebreeder! Of course I do! For example, Towards Dead End is one of my favourite songs.