Recent content by DøømedTøBeSad

  1. DøømedTøBeSad

    opeth has signed with roadrunner now!

    hmm... I think that if mike signed with RR, it is that it must have the certainty which it will be able to make what it wants of Opeth without constraints. there must be a clause of this type if not he would not have signed.
  2. DøømedTøBeSad

    What song are you learning

    thanx. i won't learn Opeth songs now. i'm still too bad :erk:
  3. DøømedTøBeSad


    when you don't play something, it doesn't mean that you can't play it. so it's hard to tell who's better than the other. Since Mike writes, so we can say that he's better. but i'm sure Peter could write good songs too... :erk: both are great, that's for certain.
  4. DøømedTøBeSad

    What song are you learning

    im just beginning with the guitar, i try to learn "Breaking the law" (judas priest), "Hey Joe" (Jimi) and few songs of ACDC (The Jack, Highway to hell, Hell aint..., ...). Are Opeth songs difficult to learn ?
  5. DøømedTøBeSad

    Opeth should headline a tour with...

    yeah, as great as SYL !
  6. DøømedTøBeSad


    To me, a great guitarist is a guitarist who writes good stuff. To play is easier than to write. and I think that Peter does more solos in heavy songs, and Mike more in songs like these from Damnation.
  7. DøømedTøBeSad

    Sad news...

    my fave grind band :ill: this man was great and has done good job. we'll miss him.
  8. DøømedTøBeSad

    Off topic: Bush hails Norway \m/ /(-_-)\ \m/

    Bush may like country or international varieties... it would be funny if he listens to Suffocation or Nile in his ranch :Spin:
  9. DøømedTøBeSad

    Opeth should headline a tour with...

    Continuing in these wishes, i'd like to see Bon Scott.
  10. DøømedTøBeSad

    Opeth should headline a tour with...

    a show with Chuck :erk: but Opeth could play Leprosy and Symbolic :rock:
  11. DøømedTøBeSad

    attn : female opeth fans

    who did photograph me ?? :err: i now have to hide my so beautiful body :p i m so better than Mike :loco:
  12. DøømedTøBeSad

    "One song album" Recommendations?

    Monolithe - I
  13. DøømedTøBeSad

    Benighted vs. Harvest

    Benighted ! Harvest annoys me...
  14. DøømedTøBeSad

    Lopez question

    this is the only solution. all is not recorded at the same time.