Recent content by D-Day

  1. D

    ARCH ENEMY getting ready to record new album!!

    I can't wait to hear it! I love "Wages Of Sin" and I'm sure they can do as well on the new one.
  2. D

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    Wow! I can't believe this is still here! Cool. For the 2 or 3 people who may not have it, I'll recommend Iced Earth's "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Enjoy.
  3. D

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    That's cool trapped.... No problem here, trust me. I love the way you guys break it all down, but I look at it as walking through the door and hearing music played. (so to speak) I prefer Iced Earth, but I also like Nevermore. Some of you guys can take it down to the "ping" of the guitar or the...
  4. D

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    Trapped, you find Nevermore Prog ? I guess that could be. Prog to me is Gamma Ray, Stratovarius etc. which is outstanding. I love that too, but to answer the main question..... well, you know.
  5. D

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    Or maybe I should keep it simple. To answer the question, Iced Earth. No question there, I guess.
  6. D

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    Trapped, "Well, of course Iced Earth are the better band, because nevermore doesn't and never has played "traditional metal" like iced earth" I would only find that as a compliment for Iced Earth, because I think "traditional" metal is better than any of that new shit.
  7. D

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    Iced Earth is much better. The vocals are far superior, in my book, and the overall sound is what I would prefer. That's not meaning to dog Nevermore, I like them (obviously, that's why I came here) but Iced Earth has an overall sound that is far superior to anything else today. They are the...
  8. D

    Wd, in all his Geoff Tate-ishness

    Just listen to Dreaming Neon Black. That's not saying I think it's bad.... I love the song, but Tate always comes to mind. I just can't help it. And I'm not that big of a Tate fan, before it gets said, I'm just making an observation to an honest question. For a change.
  9. D

    Wd, in all his Geoff Tate-ishness

    I've thought he sounded like Tate myself. I don't see how so many miss it.
  10. D

    would you have unprotected sex with angela of arch enemy?

    I probably would.