Recent content by da.benson8r

  1. D

    Live Show Setlist

    I can entirely agree, HeavyMetal. Unfortunately, it's less of a technician's market and much more of the consumer's market. The people who are going to the shows (despite the notably large number of guitar aficionados) are going to want to hear the well-known songs that come to mind when they...
  2. D

    Playing standing up vs sitting down (additional strap button)

    That depends - what, to you, feels "ergonomic"? If you're looking for guitars with balance, check out the MM John Petrucci signature models. I've never played a guitar so well balanced. Then again, I haven't played Chris' Jackson yet, so... Haha.
  3. D

    T.J. Helmerich 8 finger tapping

    Oh yeah, 8 finger has been around a while - Jeff Watson of Night Ranger was one of the earliest guys to use it, if I remember correctly. This is some great stuff though. Very impressive.
  4. D

    7th string 062

    If you look around at local guitar places, they should sell just single strings, where you should possibly find a .062. If they carry baritone strings there, they ought to have a single one lying around somewhere.
  5. D

    Unleash The Pick Clip

    If I weren't so tired right now, my happiness would be un-containable. I will rejoice on the morrow. On another note, it's marvelous to hear these are finally out, and in great timing too - I could really use one, as I think it would be more useful than a thumb pick.
  6. D

    Playing standing up vs sitting down (additional strap button)

    Hey there HeavyMetal, That's definitely one of the more difficult facets of playing live, especially if you're playing really shred-heavy lead playing. One of the most important things (at least that I learned) about the playing is keeping the hands comfortable and away from pain, and I've...
  7. D

    A little prayer to Chris

    Thank you much! :rock:
  8. D

    A little prayer to Chris

    It also has to be taken into account that Chris and Marty are two entirely different players. Marty's style is based a lot around the exotic Eastern styles, the Indian and the Japanese influences. Those are very, very expressively based styles and translating them to guitar the right way also...
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    Oh wow. That's pretty cool to see, actually, but the truth of it is in the sound. Let us know when you've tried it out, tell us how it sounds! I'm kind of interested to try it out for myself now...
  10. D

    Chris, your playing style and transistion from Ibanez to Jackson.

    In regards to your questions about the design of the Jackson, hopefully this will be able to enlighten you at least a little bit:
  11. D

    Guitar Master

    Working with a metronome is generally one of your best bets if you're looking to build pure speed. Practice 16th notes at, say, 156, until your hand gets tired. Take a very short break, speed it up, rinse, repeat. If you're practicing licks from actual solos you're learning, do the same - slow...
  12. D

    The guitar of your dreams

    I owned one once as well. Great guitar, without a doubt; the tuning pegs were pretty subpar, though, it just wouldn't stay in tune. Disappointing, since it looked so cool (platinum finish) and sounded great too. Definitely agree with Mr. Sister on the RG Premium though - I'd put my RG920 with...
  13. D

    The guitar of your dreams

    But, something different I'd like on my wall is a PRS Dragon: They're gorgeous guitars, the Dragons are - but they're so good-looking, it's almost not right to even play them. They're more like works of art... but it's not right to let it sit there and not play it either! The curse of...
  14. D

    The guitar of your dreams

    Between the Buried and Me approves of your statement.
  15. D

    The guitar of your dreams

    Perhaps I'm the only one that will differ here, but mine's not quite a "shredder" guitar. Give me a Paul Reed Smith Custom 24 in Sapphire Smokeburst with gold hardware and an ebony fretboard and I'm set for life. ...OR a Paul Reed...