Recent content by Daemonicide

  1. D

    DAEMONICIDE - Looking For New Drummer!!

    As of 10.09.07 DAEMONICIDE drummer Greg Frye left the band. He stated that his heart just wasn't into it and that he felt like his spirit was leading him elsewhere. As an obvious result of this news, DAEMONICIDE need a new drummer. We have 3 songs ready to record our demo, a ahndfull of...
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    Getting gain without adding distortion??

    Hey Neil!:notworthy What is the best way to keep high gain, in order to get the harmonics and sustain, without adding distortion?? My amp has a low, high, mid freq (scoop) & mid along with a seven band EQ - this would be for recording only. My clean channel is what I use most, because I am...
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    Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black

    Neil, were Van's kicks miced or triggered? If micked, how did you get that incredible tone and punch? Plus the wetmess of the drums is EXCELLENT!!! I love DNB!! Tym Walker Daemonicide
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    Praise to you Neil!! I have loved Nile for years and run into them here and there with us both being from the south. Anyway... finally a Nile record that is produced and mixed to show the true talent Karl and the boys have! I can imagine that this could have been a pretty challenging gig, but...
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    New here

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    Hello boys and girls!

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    Nylon Strings

    Correction... the pre-amp is (duh!) 600T MK II. Which when recording, I like micing the guitar rather than using the electronics. What do you think and still... any string suggestions (brand wise, tension wise-we tune to a minor 3rd i.e. D flat). Help me if you can! Thanks Neil!
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    Nylon Strings

    Hello Neil! Tym Walker from Daemonicide here. Instead of e-mailing you this question, I thought there may be others interested in your opinion on this matter, so here goes. I was wondering what brand and/or gauge of nylon strings you (as a musician and producer) would recommend for a...
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    Daemonicide guitarist

    Hello everyone, Tym Walker of DAEMONICIDE here. I was the guitarist for Enter Self for 12 yrs. Quit music entirely in 2003 due to my battle with alcoholism (whih I won with the strength from God) and my re-found faith. Was convicted by God's spirit about 2 years ago to use the talent he...
  11. D

    Your Favorite Brand of Guitar?

    Jackson exclusively!! I have 2 a Rhoads and a semi-custom Warrior! Got a firecrackle Charvel Predator ripped off... I miss that piece of art sooo bad! But as far as acoustic, nylon string or 12 string I am an Alvarez-Yari exclusively. I think my wife's gonna get me the Alvarez AC60SC nylon...