Recent content by Daniela_Noturna

  1. Daniela_Noturna

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Opeth - Watershed
  2. Daniela_Noturna


    Hahah!!!! Even I´m not understanding Danish, I´ve thought it funny!!! I just understood the parts the guy say blood of Lucifer, haah!! ;PP :goggly:
  3. Daniela_Noturna

    post your pic.....

    Very beautiful picture! I´d like to know why we get thoughtful observing a lake, river, ocean...
  4. Daniela_Noturna

    Katatonia's songs that you feel somehow very personal

    From Viva Empitness, the instrumental one "Inside the City of Glass" makes me feel nostalgic... besides the absence of the lyrics... it makes reflect about where I live... in a big city of glass where sometimes I feel so lost among millions people I dunno, solitude and many other things...
  5. Daniela_Noturna

    post your pic.....

    Calm places rules! Overhere I live close to a river... very polluted one...:ill:
  6. Daniela_Noturna

    Kickass Series

    My favourite one: And other ones like Lost, X-Files, CSI and Desperate Housewives. I used to like watching Smallville, but now I can´t stand it!! It´s the same all the time!! Clark sucks there!
  7. Daniela_Noturna

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Morgion - Cloacked by Ages, Clowned on Earth... wonderful!
  8. Daniela_Noturna

    Introduce yourself here

    Thanks a lot! :)
  9. Daniela_Noturna

    Guilty pleasure songs.

    Aqua? Aaaahhhgg!! It was dirty, now!! Hahaaa!!! My time! I enjoy lots of 80´s pop music like Cindy Lauper, Madonna(old-school :goggly:), A-Ha, etc....
  10. Daniela_Noturna


    Have in in those concerts and mainly on Illnath, Opeth, Satyricon and Tyr ones!! For me!
  11. Daniela_Noturna

    South american tour?

    Or Brazil...
  12. Daniela_Noturna

    Music Releted Art

    The Drappery Falls - Opeth
  13. Daniela_Noturna

    Katatonia's songs that you feel somehow very personal

    It´s true!! That´s my case as well!
  14. Daniela_Noturna

    katatonia collection

    I say the same!! I´ve had Dance of December Souls vinyl some years ago, but it was stolen from a "friend"... :erk: Overhere I´m looking for the "Black Session" box and that Compilation Tribute to Katatonia... hard to find here... very expensive as well!