Recent content by Danny rctv

  1. Danny rctv

    Nita Rocked with Alice!!!

    Boy it's been dead in here lately! I'm late at posting but Alice cooper was in San Francisco recently and Nita Just blew me away. It's a shame I didn't her to say hi to her at the show but damn did she tear it up with Alice. I saw how awesome she was a few times with the Maidens but man! She was...
  2. Danny rctv

    Throw Back Thursday Maidens!

  3. Danny rctv

    Liv Kristine

    They're not saying. I'm just as shocked as she was the founder of that band. A long time ago she was kicked out of heater Of Tragedy which was also a band she founded.
  4. Danny rctv

    My old footage of Bruce Dickinson

    Ok this is an ancient clip from my TV show "Reality Check TV" of Brude signing at the Foundations Forum convention in LA in 1996 and also shows a 1994 Foundations clip where I give him a tape of a band taht used some Maiden art on their cover art. We've done 2 actual interviews with Bruce...
  5. Danny rctv

    Tour Northern California

    Play my big 5 Oh This year!
  6. Danny rctv

    RIP Lemmy

    me and the Reality Check TV crew are going to the memorial on Sunset this Saturday. Who else is going?
  7. Danny rctv

    Janis Tanaka Interview

    here's an interview I did earlier this year with my old friend Janis Tanaka who plays with a couple of the Maidens in Femme Fatale. I asked her about it too. This was a reunion show for the band she first made a name for herself in called the Jackson Saints from San Francisco.
  8. Danny rctv

    The Trooper Beats It!

  9. Danny rctv

    Vote For my TV show!

    Thanks anyways Linda. Yeah we were up against 11 other shows in our category. Did anyone else here vote? Well it's okay because WE WON!!!!
  10. Danny rctv

    Vote For my TV show!

    Vote for Reality Check TV in the SF Commons Awards for the category of best art,culture entertainment show. Catch is you have to vote for other shows in the other 5 categories. We recommend you vote for Dee Dee TV for best education & Instruction go to this link & vote...
  11. Danny rctv

    Anton Maiden??

    My friend brought this guy's CD over. Anyone heard it? Some tone deaf nerd doing Iron maiden tunes to a synthesizer. Made want to vomit!! Anyone here have the displeasure of hearing this atrocity?
  12. Danny rctv


    It's a quote from a San Francisco based Maiden tribute band called Ancient Mariner. He has it there for laughs. I had them play My B-day party a few years ago and interviewed them for my TV show. They got in big trouble from Maidens fans for saying that. Here's a 2014 interview I did wit hthe...
  13. Danny rctv


    It's this new crop of young fans. No one cared who was in Alice's band until Orianthi joined. She all ready had a track record with her solo albums and playing with Michael Jackson and really made a name for herself. Sadly Nita is in her shadow and it's really lame of people to be like that. The...