Recent content by ...Dante...

  1. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    At The Behest Of Their Death - Bloodbath.
  2. ...Dante...

    The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

    Bed Of Razors.
  3. ...Dante...

    Where Are You Seeing Bodom?

    It's the day that never comes.
  4. ...Dante...

    Best Bands For Bodom To Tour With.

    Kalmah,Norther,Dark Tranquillity and Mors Principium Est.
  5. ...Dante...

    Your iTunes top 25 playcount

    The Mundane And The Magic - Dark Tranquillity Nothijng To No One - Dark Tranquillity Blooddrunk - Children Of Bodom Mask Of Sanity - Children Of Bodom Bed Of Razors - Children Of Bodom Terminal Liberation - Mors Principium Est Deadnight Warrior - Children Of Bodom Death Unlimited -...
  6. ...Dante...

    Alexi Laiho out of the 50 favorite guitarists of all time list

    I think it's ridicilious to make a list like that.There's nobody who is the best guitarist in the world.People can have different opinions about it.Well for me Alexi is the best guitarist but a X person can say that Dave Mustaine or Petri Lindroos is the best.It's about thoughts and...
  7. ...Dante...

    What is the best Reaper?

    Something Wild.
  8. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    Cathode Ray Sunshine - Dark Tranquillity
  9. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    Cry - Norther.
  10. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    Demon Of The Fall - Opeth.
  11. ...Dante...

    What kind of metal you like and why ?

    My favourite is called: BODOM Metal.
  12. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    Punish My Heaven by Dark Tranquillity
  13. ...Dante...

    A Vs. B

    To be or not to be?
  14. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    Damage Done album by Dark Tranquillity.
  15. ...Dante...

    What are you listening to?

    Needled 24/7 - Children Of Bodom