Recent content by darkblade

  1. darkblade

    Poll - Best song off the Varangian Way?

    really, they should be playing cursed be iron live! but my vote had to go to JARISLEIF JARISLEIF!!!
  2. darkblade

    post your hot body

    :: This is Cael, Slayer of Teddy Bears:: That bear had it coming... but it put up a good fight. I gave it the first swing. Oh and I don't hate metal. Dream Theater kicks ass! @Katie'Force: I'm making a journey to England to visit my god son. ; )
  3. darkblade

    post your hot body

    cael's not too into metal. btu i'll tell him he has a time limit. and lauren has no patience for my music... and is heterosexual witha boyfriend. but maybe cael... and if you know any viking ladies that think i'm cute...
  4. darkblade

    post your hot body

    hahaha, i'll tell cael (teddy bear boy) you said that. and the girl on the left would love to hear all of your compliments! yeah. i wanted more fur to make it more viking, but we bought all they had left, and we still didn't have enough to go around. i ended up with the most fur. it's pretty...
  5. darkblade

    Non-Turisas-Video of Netta...

    netta= my hero. i want to take this girl out for dinner and dancing! she's so cute and smiling all the time... even when she's in warpaint!
  6. darkblade

    post your hot body

    ha, yeah the guy with the kukri is (loki) my brother. he loves that thing. and the lovely valkyrie on the left is one of my best friends, lauren. the valk on the left in the last pic is my ex, steph. and the dark haired valkyrie is a girl that is trying very hard to be with me. not sure what i...
  7. darkblade

    post your hot body

    i've never posted on turisas forum before, but i've been listening to them for some time now. This past weekend was my roomate's 21st birthday party. of course we had to make it a viking themed party. look at these pictures and tell me how life could possibly get any better!...? where else would...
  8. darkblade

    Sym X- TSO?

    HAHAH, yeha, they've been talking about it for about 4 years now. maybe 5.
  9. darkblade

    Sym X- TSO?

    has anyone else heard the new Trans-siberian orchestra song "night enchanted? it has Very striking similarities to Prelude from V. are they both metal versions of the same classical tune?
  10. darkblade

    Official Off Topic Thread

    i dated a girl who smoked. After being "intimate" she would go out my window to the roof and smoke a cigarrette. even if it was freezing. being a romantic i hated it! i wanted to cuddle and kiss, and it made it really unpleasant. i don't know whether or not pot is less attractive. they are...
  11. darkblade

    Lets have a pics thread :)

    i haven't posted here in a long time so heres some new ones! this is me stripping at one of my friends birthday parties... i'm al the way on the left. the tan one... That's me all the way one the left. This is me doing what i do best... climbing running and hiking... oh and being...
  12. darkblade

    As much as I love Nevermore. . . .

    I had a freschetta oven pizza for lunch... it was a mushroom spinach pizza and it wasn't very good. freschetta's normally a safe buy though. oh and on topic. try outworld. they aren't as good but as far as guitar work goes, they have a similar crunch. i seem to listen to them when i'm in a...
  13. darkblade

    Jeff Loomis Solo Album! 30/9/08!

    P.S. POST OF THE BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this should be my last post forever just so i can leave with 666 posts!
  14. darkblade

    Jeff Loomis Solo Album! 30/9/08!

    oh and also, i can't wait for this album. i'll need some clean linnens at my side when i give it my first listen. you know... for clean up.
  15. darkblade

    Jeff Loomis Solo Album! 30/9/08!

    mmmm, leave the detective alone please. we can't all be as "leet" as you! you gotsta calm yourself. and don't be an internet elitest.